EV3 Motors EV3 Gyro Sensor NXT Touch Sensors EV3 Color Sensor NXT Light Sensors EV3 Touch Sensor NXT Sound Sensor EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor NXT Ultra Sonic Sensors NXT Color Sensors
Core Parts Servo Motors Programmable Bricks & USB Cords
Core Parts Converter Cables NXT Cables Batteries Batteries
2-mod Hassenpin (H-pin) 3 by 5 Curved Half Beam Large 5 x 7 Curved Half Beams 2-mod Half Beam with Axle Propeller Large 5 x 7 Curved Half Beam 3 & 4 mod Handles 2-mod Half Beam 3-mod Half Beam 4-mod Half Beam 3 mod Handles 3 by 5 Curved Half Beam 3 by 3 Curved Half Beam 3 by 3 Half Beam (L beam) 4 mod Handles Triangles & Hooks 5 and 7 mod Half Beam 7 mod Half Beam 2-mod Hassenpin (H-pin) 3 by 5 Curved Half Beam Large 5 x 7 Curved Half Beam
Connectors Axle with Perpendicular Bushing Connector Peg with Bushing Half Bushing Full Bushing 3-mod Connector (no friction) Connector with Axle (no friction) Connector Peg with Axle Half-mod Connector Pegs Connector Peg (no friction) Connectors with Ball 2-mod Hassenpin 2-mod Soft Bushing 3-mod Cross Connector Peg Miscellaneous Small Technic Pieces Universal Joint Axle Extender Triple Axle & Pin Connectors Perpendicular Axle & Pin Connectors Magnets Connector Pin Extender 2-mod Axle 3-mod Axle 4-mod Axle 5-mod Axle 2 3 4 5 6-mod Axle 7-mod Axle 8-mod Axle 9-mod Axle 6 7 8 9 10-mod Axle 12-mod Axle 16-mod Axles 3 Axle with Stud 10 12 16 3 4 Axle with Stop 4-mod Axle with Center Stop 5.5 Axle with Stud 8 Axel with Stop 4 4 8 5 ½
Connector Pin without Friction Connectors Connector pin Axle with bushing 3-mod connector pin Full Bushings Hassenpin (H-pin) Connector Pin without Friction 2 by 2 Perpendicular Connector Beam Lego Magnets Connector Pin with Bushing Connector Peg with Axle
#1 #3 #4 #2 #5 #6 Cross Blocks 2-mod Cross Block Bushing with Cross Bushing 3-mod Cross Block Cross Block Cross Block with Pivot Corner Cross Block 2 to 1 Cross Block 2 to 2 Cross Block 2 to 3 Axle/Pin Cross Block Cross Block #1 Cross Block Cross Block #3 Cross Block #4 #2 Cross Block #5 Cross Block #6 3 Beam with Cross Block Bushing 2 to 1 Axle Cross Block
#6 #2 #1 Cross Block #6 2-mod Cross Blocks Cross Block
Wide Track Links with 2 Pin Holes Steering Portal Hubs & Housing Wheels Small Wheel Hubs Large Tires Small Tires Small Tires with Deep Tread Small Tires with Flat Tread Large Sprocket Wheel Medium Glider Wheel Wide Track Links with 2 Pin Holes Steering Portal Hubs & Housing
Small Shallow Tread Tires Wheels Extra Large Wheel Hub Medium Wheel Hub Small Wheels & Tires Small Shallow Tread Tires Small Wheel Hubs With Axle Hole Small Tires Large Wheel Hub
Wheels Medium & Large Tires & Treads Large Tire Hubs
Wide Track Rubber Attachment Wheels & Gears String Reels Rubber Bands Connectable Tubes & Sticks Steering Links Wide Track Rubber Attachment Small Wheel Hubs Small Wheel (Pulley) Small Tire (Ring) Round Tiles Chain Link 18 mm wheel with Inner Ring Small Tires Small Wheel With Axle Hole Technic Ball Caster Ball Caster Frames Steering CV Joints & Axles 11 mm Wheel with Center Groove 20 Tooth Double Bevel Gear Small Turntable 4 Tooth Gear Cam Connector (football) 12 Tooth Gear 24 Tooth Crown Gear Steering & Pivoting Pieces Gear Racks 16 Tooth Gear 16 Tooth Clutch Gear Driving Ring Worm Gears Gear Boxes 24 Tooth Bevel Gear 6.5 Mod Spring/ Shock Absorber 8 Tooth Gear Gear Casings 12 Tooth Double Bevel Gear Driving Rings 24 Tooth Clutch Gear 20 Tooth Bevel Gear 24 Tooth Gear
Perpendicular Axis of Rotation Gear Boxes Gears & Tubes Gear Boxes, Casings, & Driving Rings Perpendicular Axis of Rotation Gear Boxes Gear Turntable 36 Tooth Double Bevel Gear 24 Tooth Gears 40 Tooth Gear Lego Tubing Pneumatic Pieces
6 4 8 16 10 12 14 6-mod Studded Beam 4-mod Studded Beam Studded Bricks 2-mod studded beam 2-mod studded beam (1 peg) 2-mod studded beam (1 axle) 2-mod studded beam (2 pegs) Brick with Axle & Peg Connections 1 x 1 Brick with Studded Sides 4 x 4 Brick w/ Open Center Brick With Studded Sides 6-mod Studded Beam 6 4-mod Studded Beam 8-mod Studded Beam 4 8 16-mod Studded Beam 10-mod Studded Beam 16 10 12-mod Studded Beam 14-mod Studded Beam 12 14
13 2 15 3 7 5 9 11 13-mod Beam 2-mod Beam 15-mod Beam 3-mod Beam Beams (liftarms) 4 13-mod Beam 2-mod Beam 13 2 15-mod Beam 3-mod Beam 15 3 7-mod Beam 5-mod Beam 7 5 9-mod Beam 3 by 3 angular beam (T-beam) 2-mod Beams 9 11-mod Beam 11
6 x 8 Open Brick 7 x 5 Open Frame 11 x 5 Open Frame 6 by 4 Angle Beam Frames 6 x 8 Open Brick 7 x 5 Open Frame 11 x 5 Open Frame 6 by 4 Angle Beam
2 by 4 Angle Beam (small L beam) 5 by 3 Angle Beam (large L beam) Angular Beams & Miscellaneous Parts 2 by 4 Angle Beam (small L beam) 5 by 3 Angle Beam (large L beam) 4 by 4 Angle Beam 6 by 4 Angle Beam 7 by 3 Angle Beam 9 by 5 Angular Beam Small Studs Tiles with Studs Plates with Clips Brick Separators Bionic Teeth Ball Joints & Bulbs Handle Brackets Perpendicular Beam & Plate Connector Grilles and Antennas
Circular Plates & Disks Miscellaneous Parts Sloped Bricks & Lego Balls 3 x 3 x 2 Large Cones Measuring Tape Lego Balls NXT 1.0 Claw Ball Launcher Ball Magazines Miscellaneous Pieces Circular Bricks Circular Plates & Disks
Small Tiles “2 by” & “4 by” Plates “6 by” Plates “1 by” Plates Tiles and Plates Small Tiles “2 by” & “4 by” Plates “6 by” Plates “1 by” Plates Plates with Holes Large Tiles “8 by” Plates Unusual Plates “4 by” Plates “2 by” Plates
Fairing Intakes/Spoilers Fairing Panels Panels, Tiles, and Plates Technic Panels Fairing Intakes/Spoilers Fairing Panels Tiles Curved Technic Panels “1 by” Plates Official Weighted Bricks “6 by” Plates Lego Mini-figures
White Bricks Brown Bricks Orange Bricks Tan Bricks Non-technic bricks White Bricks Brown Bricks Orange Bricks Tan Bricks Sloped Bricks Curved Bricks Blue Translucent Bricks Arched Bricks 3 mod Edging Bricks Lego Cones Cylinder Bricks Curved Brick With Half Beam Towers Small Sloped Bricks Half-mod Circular Bricks Trapezoid Bricks Corner Plates Corner Bricks & Plates Studded Brick with Headlight
Pink Bricks Red Bricks Light Blue Bricks Dark Blue Bricks Non-technic bricks 4 Pink Bricks Red Bricks Light Blue Bricks Dark Blue Bricks Dark Green Bricks Light Green Bricks Light Gray Bricks Dark Gray Bricks Black Bricks Yellow Bricks