Monday September 16, 2013 Good Morning class! Please get yourselves settled and grab your journal and a pencil to begin your morning work!
Base Words/Affixes Read this sentence from the article. Michael Jordan rejoined the Bulls in the middle of the 1995 season. If join means “to become a member of,” what does rejoined mean? A. became a member again B. able to become a member C. one who became a member D. without becoming a member Analyze words in context:5 Early people did not have clocks. So they used other ways to tell time. The Egyptians measured a small amount of time called an instant. An instant was the time it took for a hippopotamus to survey a place for danger. In this paragraph, the word survey means?
Explain why the two equilateral triangles are NOT congruent shapes.
Explain what will happen if there are no more owls. How will the ENTIRE food chain be affected?