Surgical Treatment for Perthes Disease Mazloumi MD Associated professor Orthopaedic surgeon
A 14-year-old boy who had Legg-Calve´-Perthes disease at age 8 years and was treated with nonoperative methods
Pathomechanical environment Structural instability Femoroacetabular impingment Articular incongruity (localized joint overload) Abductor inefficiency (articular overload) Combinations
Perthes deformities Proximal femur ( spectrom and variabilities of deformities) Large and aspherical femoral head High grater throchanter (over growth) Short femoral neck Head neck offset deformity Varus neck- shaft angle Osteochondral disease
Perthes deformities Acetabulom ( spectrom and variabilities of deformities) Decreseade anterolateral and/or posterolateral femoral head coverage. Increased acetabular inclination. Relative acetabular deficiency. Variable acetabular version
Long term outcome of Legg-Calve-perthes at middle age Risk of sever OA and clinically poor outcome after years of age irrespective of prior successful surgical treatment and good outcome at skeletal maturity Increased incidence of OA and THA in patients with a Stulberg class III / IV / V who were treated with conservative methods
Surgical approaches for treatment of sequelae of Perthes disease Extraarticular methods Intertrochanteric valgus osteotomy 1- Valgus extension: best corrects limb deformity 2- Valgus flexion: may better correct anterior impingement Trochanteric transfer with relative neck lengthening To correct greater trochanteric abutment) Noncontainment acetabular procedures 1- Shelf acetabuloplasty 2- Chiari procedure Intraarticular methods Osteochondroplasty of the head and neck (open or via arthroscopy) Note: residual dysplasia may also require treatment Femoral head reduction (central “downsizing”) Unproved method Excision of osteochondritis dissecans Labral repair
Proximal femoral varus osteotomy
Proximal femoral valgus osteotomy
Valgus osteotomy
Triple pelvic osteotomy
Triple ost.
Double-level osteotomy
Shelf acetabuloplasty
Chiari osteotomy
Greater trochanteric advancement
Biomechanical effect of coxa breva
Coxa breva
Neck lengthening
Morscher osteotomy
biomechanical effects of the surgical reconstruction
Femoral head reduction osteotomy (FHRO) technique ( Coxa magna )
Femoral head reduction osteotomy
periactabular osteotomy
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