The Current Issues Affecting the Physiotherapy Profession in South Africa
Demographics of South Africa million people (2012) 4800 Physiotherapist 2400 Private Practice Physiotherapist Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
Public versus Private 600 physiotherapists in public excluding the community service physiotherapists Large geographical areas to cover Large population Burden of disease, namely HIV and TB Just to mention a few issues Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
National Health Insurance to improve access to quality Physiotherapy services for all South Africans, irrespective of whether they are employed or not; to pool risks and funds so that equity and social solidarity will be achieved through the creation of a single NHI fund; Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
to procure physiotherapy services on behalf of the entire population and efficiently mobilise and control key financial resources; and to strengthen the under-resourced and strained public sector in order to improve the Health system’s performance Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
Opportunities for PhysioFocus NHI Pilot sites – Human Resource shortage SASP Practice Accreditation implemented for PHC School health programs Coding – clinical guidelines are crucial Preventative care – PHC settings Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
Undetermined lines regarding Scope of Practice (HPCSA) A physiotherapist assesses, treats and manages a wide variety of injuries including ailments from the fields of orthopaedics, neurology, respiratory and thoracic, cardio- vascular, obstetrics, sports medicine, paediatrics, geriatrics, intensive care units Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
and general rehabilitation. Other medical fields and community care also falls within the scope of physiotherapy
A biokineticist treats people with a variety of sport and orthopaedic injuries through the modality of exercise therapy which is based on scientific evidence and personalised exercise prescription. Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
They use exercise rehabilitation for people with chronic disease, sport injuries and diseases of lifestyle. Health promotion and the maintenance of physical abilities as well as specialised physical activity programme prescriptions are within the scope of biokinetic practice Samantha Dunbar – PhysioFocus Charirperson 2013
Physiotherapy versus Biokinetics
Simplification of Coding and Billing Structures Current codes based on RVU’s (2006) Complexity of structure, misunderstanding Need new codes needed Codes not reflecting all modalities we are using
Descriptors not clearly defined – misinterpretation of application
Funders limiting or decreasing members benefits Various legislation to work and comply with e.g. Employment equity, labour issue, etc. Patients more aware of their rights and more prone to sueing Other Issues
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