Putting your Patrons in the Driver’s Seat With Online Video Presented by Annie Erdmann, Simmons College, Jennifer Ferguson, Simmons College, Scott Stangroom, UMass Amherst,
Why Study Streaming Video? Distance learning Faculty demand and the “flipped classroom” Non-DVD compatible technology Staying relevant to our patrons…
From Pilot to Practice Previous Pilot Study Findings A 85% and 70% improvement in ROI vs. outright collection purchases and DVDs Colleges with 26,000 and 30,000 students 40% of DVDs never used and ~9 views on average over their lifetime 60% of academics use online video for teaching yet 80% are unaware the library offers it (same with students) Would our experience echo the pilot? Would our FTE (4K vs. 28K) make a difference? Were we experiencing the same issues and what was driving it? Could we find a way to crack the “awareness gap”?
Part I: The Situation with DVD
Surprisingly Low Usage % of DVD Collection by Lifetime Checkouts
Losing Relevance Over Time… DVDs Checked out by Timeframe Post Acquisition (cumul.) Simmons only, by Year Our DVDs lose their value over time
… Consistently at Both Campuses DVDs Checked out by Timeframe Post Acquisition (cumul.) Simmons & UMass,
Damage & Loss is also a Concern DVDs Lost, Damaged & Weeded by Year of Acquisition Simmons only
These Issues Reduce the ROI on DVDs $ $ $18.15 $20.15 DVD Cost ROI
Part II: Launching Video PDA
Kanopy’s streaming video PDA Launched Kanopy’s PDA model in late 2013 Step 1: Set a manageable upfront budget cap Step 2: Opened up broad collections of over 20,000 films Step 3: Usage triggers Step 4: Quarterly invoicing, live usage monitoring
We Didn’t Know You Wanted That! Top 5 Films Simmons 1.Mental Disorder / Illness Symptoms 2.Appraisals in Action 3.Thin Ice: The Inside Story of Climate Science 4.The Legacy of Unresolved Loss: A Family Systems Approach with Monica McGoldrick 5.Here One Day UMass 1.The Revisionaries 2.Frontline - Generation Like 3.Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price 4.First Contact 5.Magical Death
We Buy Only What We Use A Lot % of films watched by number of plays
Views Per Triggered Film UMassSimmons Views per trig. Film Add views / film116 Total plays per triggered film27144 ROI ($/play)*$0.57$3.15 DVD (Last 12 mths) DVD (lifetime) ROI ($/checkout)*$18.15$20.15 * Checkout is a checkout from the library irrespective if played. A play defined as 30 seconds or more viewed
Part III: Closing the Awareness Gap
Increasing Awareness and Building Use Awareness campaign started Total Video Clicks by Month
Our Promotional Project 1. Libguide links 2. Faculty / Liaison s 3. signature images 4. News blog 5. Posters 6. Social Media 7. Database list Promotional Initiatives
What Were They Looking For? Type of search query% of Total producer9% theme67% title16% person5% place3% DEFA, Criterion Psychology, gender Miss representation, The Actress Japan, Michael white
Results By Channel Sessions% New Bounce Rate Pages / Session Avg. Duration %34%3.40:03:43 Libguide 1320%22%6.00:09:23 Signature 1638%81%1.50:00:15 Social media 1369%62%2.00:00:24 Search widget 5149%31%4.40:06:33 Databases page 56
So What? PDA has been a highly effectively & economical model – Significantly greater ROI compared to DVD – Solves problems of predicting demand & unused/ obsolete media – Success at both campuses despite size differences We were able to greatly impact awareness – Faculty engagement has been important to success (esp. and libguides) – Still working on student engagement (social media, etc)
thank you Presented by Annie Erdmann, Simmons College, Jennifer Ferguson, Simmons College, Scott Stangroom, UMass Amherst,