UK Collaborative Partnerships Kevin Carroll Senior Quality Officer Quality and Academic Partnerships.


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Presentation transcript:

UK Collaborative Partnerships Kevin Carroll Senior Quality Officer Quality and Academic Partnerships

Quality & Academic Partnerships Aims: Describe the context within which UN procedures operate; Explain the types of education undertaken with others by the University of Northampton (UN); Summarise the steps in approving and managing collaborations; Explain UK Collaborative Partnerships

National context

B10 Managing HE with others The Expectation Degree-awarding bodies take ultimate responsibility for academic standards and the quality of learning opportunities irrespective of where these are delivered or who provides them. Arrangements for delivering learning opportunities with organisations other than the degree-awarding body are implemented securely and managed effectively.

Types of education with others High Risk Validation Service Franchised programmes Joint, dual/double or multiple awards Collaborative (Joint) Delivery Lower risk Support Provider arrangement Articulation arrangements

Developing a relationship

UK Strategic Partnerships

Collaborative Partnerships (UK)

QAA response to SNC announcement Responding to the Chancellor's announcement that student number controls in England will be lifted from , Anthony McClaran, Chief Executive of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), said: 'Lifting the cap on student numbers presents universities and colleges with an unprecedented opportunity. Additional places will allow many more people to benefit from higher education. 'The priority for providers must be to offer the best possible experience for students. The Government has made it clear: providers cannot expand at the expense of quality. I am pleased that the Autumn Statement makes a commitment to protect academic standards, the experience of students and the quality of provision.'

Collaborative Partnerships (UK) The Autumn Statement 2013 'The higher education sector has an internationally excellent reputation for quality. The government will continue to closely monitor quality of provision across the sector and reserves the right to reimpose number controls on institutions that expand their student numbers at the expense of quality.'

Collaborative Partnerships (UK) ● ▪ University Provision HE in FE NORTHAMPTON ● UN Park ▪ Northampton College ▪ Moulton College DAVENTRY ▪ Northampton College CORBY ▪ Tresham KETTERING ▪ Tresham Bedford College ▪ Tresham COVENTRY ● WARWICK ● LEICESTER ● PETERBOROUGH ▪ University Centre Peterborough CRANFIELD ● MILTON KEYNES ▪ University Campus MK (UoB) ▪ Milton Keynes College ● UN Avenue ▪ University College/ Centre/Campus ▪ Coventry University College ▪ BEDFORD ● UoB Central Beds College ▪
