Transport for Luton and South Bedfordshire A way forward This presentation is prepared following the conclusions of an earlier Transport summit. Manouchehr Nahvi
The Challenges To provide a transport network that meets the movement needs of Luton and South Bedfordshire Growth Area’s residents, workers and its visitors To deliver sustainable development To accommodate anticipated increased demand to travel and to improve public transport at the start of the development growth To establish a clear structure for the delivery of services at all level, accountable to the local residents, businesses and workers. And; To avoid seeing economic growth slowed down or strangled by congestion
Opportunities To set up a unit to co-ordinate: Growth Area Transport Strategy, Implementation of transport resources delegated through TIF,GAF, LTP and RFA Liaise with the HA, Rail and Bus Operators, Network Rail and other service providers, and; To seek further investment through regional and National bodies, European funds and in particular targeted funding bodies such as the Transport Pilots project of the Innovation Forum.
Transport for Luton and South Bedfordshire New Transport Board to co-ordinate physical and financial resources across the Growth Area Considers the transport network, irrespective of mode or ownership across the whole of Luton and South Bedfordshire Responds directly to the challenges within the Local Government White Paper and the needs of the local residents, businesses, workers and visitors. In future: The Board may seek status as an Integrated Transport Authority.
Composition Executive Group: A member/officer Group with Cabinet Members for Transport and Officers from Luton, South Beds DC and Bedfordshire CC Core Steering Group: The above plus; Representatives from the Government Office, Highways Agency, Railways, Bus operators, LSP’s, Business, Education and Health.
This presentation is prepared for discussion following the conclusions of an earlier Transport summit.