cec ccme churches’ commission for migrants in europe
cec ccme churches’ commission for migrants in europe migration 2010 european churches responding to migration 2010
The Conference of European Churches and the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, at their parallel meetings in Cyprus, endorsed planning, launching and implementation of a joint year european churches responding to migration 2010 migration 2010 european churches responding to migration 2010
The Conference of European Churches and the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, at their parallel meetings in Cyprus, endorsed planning, launching and implementation of a joint year european churches responding to migration 2010 why a year of »european churches responding to migration 2010 ? « The presidents of CEC, the moderator of CCME, the General Secretaries of CCME and CEC, at their joint session 2008, Paralimni, Cyprus a »WORK IN PROGRESS« starts
why a year of »european churches responding to migration 2010 ? « churches recognizing
migration is posing challenges to societies, political institutions and churches obligation on churches and each christian to “welcome the stranger” migration is an overall reality in society today R A T I O N A L E churches recognizing sociallytheologicallyhuman rights
the role of religion as an instrument of integration recognition of realities and facing responsibility all humans are and have been always »wanderers« … t b f all persons are equal before the law Human Rights Conventions (UN, CoE) migrant workers rights convention Ideal of open and inclusive communities and societies … t b f dignity of every person, created in the image of God biblical motives of migration (Abraham, Israel, Ruth, David (a migrant worker himself), Jesus, Apostles, expansion of christianity … t b f (to be filled) leads to... european churches responding to migration aims for: VISIBILITY VISIBILITY of the churches' commitment to strangers responding to the message of the Bible INCLUSIVE POLICY INCLUSIVE POLICY at European & national level for migrants, refugees & ethnic minority groups Churches shall be encouraged to strengthen and enhance their work with and for migrants, refugees and ethnic minority people, giving the full significance to “Being Church together” in order to face challenges, diminish fears and highlight positive aspects of migration. european churches responding to migration aims for: VISIBILITY VISIBILITY of the churches' commitment to strangers responding to the message of the Bible INCLUSIVE POLICY INCLUSIVE POLICY at European & national level for migrants, refugees & ethnic minority groups Churches shall be encouraged to strengthen and enhance their work with and for migrants, refugees and ethnic minority people, giving the full significance to “Being Church together” in order to face challenges, diminish fears and highlight positive aspects of migration. sociallytheologicallyhuman rights
european churches responding to migration aims for: VISIBILITY VISIBILITY of the churches' commitment to strangers responding to the message of the Bible INCLUSIVE POLICY INCLUSIVE POLICY at European & national level for migrants, refugees & ethnic minority groups Churches shall be encouraged to strengthen and enhance their work with and for migrants, refugees and ethnic minority people, giving the full significance to “Being Church together” in order to face challenges, diminish fears and highlight positive aspects of migration. asylum and refugees combating discrimination & racism migration and integration W O R K F I E L D S A R E A S of A D V O C A C Y (what do we want to do/ achieve)
leading to... leading to... leading to... more inclusive communities and societies addressing fears in societies highlight positive features of migration A R E A S of A D V O C A C Y (what do we want to do/ achieve) P O S S I B L E A C T I V I T I E S (what should happen in/ after 2010) like: highlighting existing programmes vis-à-vis governments, political. institutions, society recognition of the potential of diversity in society overcoming borders and facilitating the crossing of borders world economic crisis and movements of people due to the crisis facilitated participation in community and social life greater justice, solidarity and equality to…
more inclusive communities and societies addressing fears in societies highlight positive features of migration P I L L A R S of A D V O C A C Y (what do we want to do/ achieve) P O S S I B L E A C T I V I T I E S (what should happen in/ after 2010) like: highlighting existing programmes vis-à-vis governments, political. institutions, society recognition of the potential of diversity in society overcoming borders and facilitating the crossing of borders world economic crisis and movements of people due to the crisis facilitated participation in community and social life greater justice, solidarity and equality to… EXCHANGE and ENCOURAGEMENT through improvement of the visibility and fostering the meaning of existing church programmes to strengthen, improve and protect the legal status of migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups as a basis for inclusion and participation EXCHANGE and ENCOURAGEMENT through improvement of the visibility and fostering the meaning of existing church programmes to strengthen, improve and protect the legal status of migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups as a basis for inclusion and participation THROUGH: strengthening of the rights of migrants effective programmes welcoming migrants and refugees enhance encounter and participation combating exclusion and unemployment monitoring and improvement of detention conditions refugee protection studying and researching national rules for legal rights of migrants advocating for the rights as contained in the International Convention on the Rights of all Migrant Workers and their familiy members THROUGH: Being Church together - uniting in diversity welcoming strangers in our churches diaconical help and support for migrants and refugees enhance participation of migrants in communities exchange and support for migrant churches in the local area … tbf That’s WHY... political level: right to a long term residence status after 5 years of legal stay, irrespective of the reasons of stay church level: visibility of churches’ engagement for inclusive communities & societies and work for and with migrants O U R K E Y A I M S leads to... leads to...
Visibility of the c cc churches’ commitment to strangers, responding to the message of the Bible Promotion of an i ii inclusive policy at European and national level for migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups, through w ww work for and with migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups Visibility of the c cc churches’ commitment to strangers, responding to the message of the Bible Promotion of an i ii inclusive policy at European and national level for migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups, through w ww work for and with migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups That’s WHY european churches responding to migration
churches’ commitment to strangers Visibility of the churches’ commitment to strangers, responding to the message of the Bible inclusive policy Promotion of an inclusive policy at European and national level for migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups, work for and with migrants through work for and with migrants, refugees and ethnic minority groups 2010 european churches responding to migration cec ccme churches’ commission for migrants in europe © Thomas W. Stephan thank you please visit