Demonstration of Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties under NFSM (IRRI) – STRASA (IRRI) collaboration
Work Plan No. of demonstrations : 100 (100 ha cluster each) Varieties: Flood tolerant : Swarna-Sub1, Samba Mahsuri-Sub1 (pre-release) Drought tolerant: Sahbhagi dhan, Susk Samrat Salinity tolerant: CSR 36 States : UP, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Jharkhand, AP, Karnataka and TN Partners: SAUs, State Agriculture Departments, NGOs, KVKs etc.
Salient characteristics Collection of baseline data (socio- economic aspects) Targeting to stress-prone areas Technologies: STRVs + suitable management practices for stress prone areas Geo-referencing of all demonstrations on maps
Targetted Villages for Dissemination of Swarna Sub-1 in Bhadrak Block, Bhadrak Dist., Orissa Targeted villages for Swarna Sub-1 Block boundary
List of Villages for Targetted Dissemination for Swarna Sub-1 in Bhadrak Block, Bhadrak,Orissa Vill_Code Village Name 728Ambroli 775Atto 755Bagamara 738Bahadalpur 839Balabhadrapur 826Balajitpada 729Bandhgn 778Bania 727Bantia 831Baradadihi 807Baranga 862Barapada 766Basuapada 770Basudebpur 780Bhagabanpur 827Bilabari 748Chadheya 774Toranpada
Salient characteristics Collection of baseline data (socio-economic aspects) Targeting to stress-prone areas Technologies: STRVs + suitable management practices for stress prone areas Geo-referencing of all demonstrations on maps
Location of Swarna Sub-1 field demonstration in Maharajganj District, U.P. ( RKVY, GOI)
Swarna Sub-1 field demonstration in Kharif 2011 ( RKVY, GOI) Chehari Village, Sadar Block, Maharajganj District, U.P. This Google Image of 3 Oct shows no crop generally being grown in this area due to flood hazard (light brownish colour of un-cropped area vs dark green colour of rice cropped area on the top left of the image). Red dot shows GPS location of demonstration plots in kharif 2011.
Location of Swarna Sub-1 field demonstration in Kharif 2011( RKVY, GOI) Pipra Kalyan and Patrengwa Villages, Mithaura Block, Maharajganj District, U.P. Date of Image 3 Oct. 2010
Salient characteristics Extensive awareness generation (information brochures, posters, bill boards, field days etc.) Proper documentation and impact assessment (including comparison with vegetation index during previous years particularly stress affected years) Follow-up: Neighbourhood survey to track farmer to farmer dissemination
THANK YOU Stress tolerant rice varieties have potential to usher Green Revolution in eastern India by enhancing & stabilizing rice productivity & production in stress prone areas