Maj Kirk Mullins/LtCol Pete Cushing EFV Firepower Briefing NDIA 13-16 APRIL 04 Maj Kirk Mullins/LtCol Pete Cushing
Demonstrated to Date Mk-44 WSERB: Qualified Aug 00 MK-44 Interoperability with Common Ammo (30X173mm): (Ammo Qualified) · APFSDS-T (Armor Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot -Tracer) -MK258 -MK268 HEI-T (High Explosive Incendiary-Tracer) - MK238 - MK266 (3 types) TP-T (Training Practice - Tracer) - MK239 (2 types) - MK270 TP (Training Practice) - MK271 - PGU-15/B MP (Multi-Purpose) - MK264 (2 types) - EX267 APDS (Armor Piercing, Discarding Sabot) - MN30 Note. $40 Million spent to date in qualifying the MK44 and aforementioned ammo
30mm High Explosive Lethality Testing Hawthorne, Nevada 15 Oct – 04 Nov 2003
Targets for High Explosive: Terminal Lethality: MK240 SAPHEI-T MK264 MPLD-T MK266 Mod1 HEI-T Threshold Range: 1500 meters Objective Range: 2000 meters Targets for High Explosive: Infantry: Standing, Prone, 600-1000m, 1500m, 2000m, 3600m Lightly Armored Vehicles: BTR-60, M113 Unarmored Vehicles: M900 series trucks Lightly Fortified Infantry Emplacements Evaluation against Infantry Fighting Vehicles (BMP-1)
Lightly Armored Vehicles Independent Loss of Function Analysis conducted by Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Agency (MCOTEA) MK240 and MK264 highly effective against BTR-60, 1500m. MK240 more effective as range increases. MK240 more effective against M113 (Al), 1500m Both capable of perforating engine deck lid of BMP-1, MK240 can perforate flank at 1500m.
MK264 MPLD-T BTR-60 1500m
MK240 SAPHEI-T BTR-60 1500m
MK264 MPLD-T M113 1500m
MK240 SAPHEI-T M113 1500m
MK240 M113 MK264 M113
Unarmored Vehicles 900 Series Trucks, 1500 meters, frontal aspect All three rounds effective at achieving LoF MK240 and MK264 capable of internal engine compartment damage. MK240 started and sustained two fires.
MK240, MK264, MK266 900 series Trucks
Lightly Fortified Infantry Emplacement 600 and 1000 meters MK240 and MK264 effective at perforating frontal protection in approximately ten rounds.
Standing Infantry ORD target is Standing 8-man squad deployed in 10 meter deep by 50 meter wide area Tested at 600-1000m, 1500m, 2000m, 3600m Lethality modeled in JMEM, ComputerMan, and ORCA. Compared to previous DRPM tests. Prone mannequins also included, modeling has not been completed.
Standing Infantry 1500-2000 meters: MK240 best overall MK266 slightly better against ORD squad. Given round function (no ricochet) MK264 most lethal. No significant changes to results at 3600m. MK266 most effective at close ranges, MK240 and MK264 hurt by delay.
Standing Infantry
most effective round against the EFV High Explosive Target Matrix SUMMARY MK240 SAPHEI-T most effective round against the EFV High Explosive Target Matrix
Target Set Infantry Lt. Fort. Pos/ Material Unarm Veh/ Lt Armored Watercraft Lt Armored Vehicles IFV/BMP
Interim EFV Ammo Plan Infantry HE MPLD APFSDS Future Ammo Opportunity Lt. Fort. Pos/ Material Unarm Veh/ Watercraft Lt Armored Vehicles Infantry IFV/BMP HE MPLD APFSDS Future Ammo Opportunity
Future Ammo Opportunities Lt. Fort. Pos/ Material Unarm Veh/ Watercraft Lt Armored Vehicles Infantry IFV/BMP HE Airburst SAPHEI MPLD APFSDS
Air Burst Operational Benefit Significant increase in lethality against primary target (Infantry) Programmable fuse allows A/B round to be effective against greater target set Multi-service compatibility Allows greater pursuit of EFV/MK 46 to be employed as an Indirect Fire platform in the future. Eliminates need to link MP/HEI-T 1 to 1 (Less ammo req.)
SAPHEI-T Cost Assumptions Too Expensive as of today: 80% of PANMC budget required to purchase War Shot over Life Cycle. Very little interest by other services at this time $2 Million (+ -) needed to complete qualification
Air Burst Cost Assumptions Cost per round unavailable at this time Multi-service interest: US Navy, US Army, and US Coast Guard. Foreign Comparison Test (FCT) funds could be pursued to lower costs to program Domestic vendors and qualification costs could be shared across services. Opportunity exists to share system integration costs with US Navy.
Exploration of MK44 Options
MK44 ATK Reduced Weight/Increased Recoil Initiative Significant weight reduction: Good for EFV Increased Recoil gives USMC greater Super 40 capability in the future. Looks very promising at this time.