LION The active hard-driving and productive LION makes a good leader and employee.
Lion Strengths Strong Willed Determined Independent Decisive Active and Energetic Practical Strong Natural Leader Confident Productive Goal Oriented
Lion Weaknesses Unemotional and Cold Self-Sufficient Domineering Unforgiving Hostile and Volatile Sarcastic and Cruel Impatient Unsympathetic Opinionated
Lion The success of this “high assertive/low responsive” person will be determined by how well he or she overcomes weakness and learns to work with other people. He/she does not possess natural interpersonal skills. He/she must learn them.
Otter This fun loving, people oriented person is a natural salesman, con-artist, or people manipulator. No one has a more natural gift to motivate and work with others---if he/she can get his/her act together.
Otter Strengths Warm-Emotionally Friendly Fun-loving Outgoing Enthusiastic Talkative Compassionate Response Stimulating Ambitious
Otter Weaknesses Lacking Discipline Weak-willed Egotistical Unstable Prone to Exaggerate Hot-Tempered Disorganized Manipulative Restless
Otter This “highly assertive/high responsive” person is born with good interpersonal skills. If he/she can overcome his/her weaknesses and learn to be dependable and consistent, there is no limit to his/her potential.
Golden Retriever These nice gentle people are polite and diplomatic. Normally a background person but will excel in a position of leadership because he/she guides rather than orders.
Golden Retriever Strengths Calm, Cool Easy-going Diplomatic Objective Efficient Orderly Practical Humorous Agreeable
Golden Retriever Weaknesses Passive and unmotivated Prone to Procrastinate Indecisive Fearful and Filled with Worry Unsure Self-protective Stubborn Selfish Stingy Slow and lazy
Golden Retriever These “low assertive/low responsive” people are usually super-introverts who like to stay in the background and work at their own pace, which diminishes with each passing year.
Beaver The gifted BEAVER temperament, whether male or female, is the broadest and riches of all temperaments but reflects the most weaknesses. No temperament offers more potential but falls far below expectations due to negative mood swings and lack of self- confidence.
Beaver Strengths Gifted Analytical Perfectionist Self-disciplined Industrious Self-sacrificing Aesthetic Creative Sensitive
Beaver Weaknesses Moody Deeply Emotional Easily Offended Pessimistic Negative Critical and Picky Theoretical and Impractical Suspicious and Revengeful Self-Centered Indecisive
Beaver These “low-assertive/high-responsive” people must be motivated externally by others or a project. They spend considerable time psychoanalyzing themselves, there by destroying their self-confidence