A Study on Knowledge Management for Flood and Cyclone Vulnerable Rural Communities in Bangladesh by Bidyuth K. Mahalder
Objectives of the study Investigate the perception of knowledge; areas and types of knowledge use by the flood and cyclone vulnerable rural communities. Identify the methods and techniques of capturing, updating and sharing knowledge on flood/cyclone management in reducing vulnerabilities. Identify the main barriers of knowledge management for flood / cyclone prone rural communities. Assess the effectiveness of early warning messages and popular knowledge materials in reducing disaster vulnerabilities. Identify the appropriate interventions and types of supports required to improve knowledge management systems of rural communities for disaster management.
Study Area Two cyclone prone coastal districts, affected by cyclone Sidr 2007 and Aila 2009 (i.e. Bagerhat and Barguna) and one northwest district affected by flood 2007 (i.e. Tangail) were selected. Three most affected upazilas under above mentioned each district were selected for the study. In this way, total 9 upazilas from three affected districts were selected for the study. In later stage, 9 unions were selected from 9 upazilas (i.e. one union from each upazila) at random basis.
Methodology Literature Review Secondary Data Collection Key Informants Interview (9 KII sessions in 9 communities of 9 villages) FGD ( 9 FGDs in 9 communities with 12 participants/FGD) Households Survey (Survey conducted in 108 HHs in 9 communities)
Perception of Knowledge Participants’ responses on perceptions on knowledge observed in household survey (n=108)
Prioritized Areas of Knowledge Participants’ responses on prioritized areas of knowledge for their livelihoods observed in household survey (n=108)
Types of Knowledge used Participants’ responses on types of knowledge used for different purposes in daily lives (n=108)
Different Sources of Knowledge Participants’ responses on different sources of knowledge used for households’ livelihoods (n=108)
Sources of Capturing Knowledge on Cyclone / Flood Vulnerabilities Participants’ responses on different sources of capturing knowledge on cyclone / flood vulnerabilities (n=108)
Updating Knowledge on Cyclone / Flood Vulnerabilities Participants’ responses on means or ways of updating captured knowledge on cyclone / flood vulnerabilities (n=88)
Barriers of Updating Knowledge on Cyclone / Flood Vulnerabilities Participants’ responses on barriers of updating captured knowledge on cyclone / flood vulnerabilities (n=88)
Effectiveness of Early Warning Messages on Cyclone / Flood Participants’ responses on effectiveness of early warning messages for cyclone / flood preparedness (n=108)
Appropriate measures for improvement of knowledge Participants’ responses on appropriate interventions for improvement of knowledge of the rural communities in reducing cyclone / flood vulnerabilities (n=108)
Impact of knowledge materials Participants’ responses on impact of knowledge materials available / accessible to the rural communities for improvement of knowledge in reducing cyclone / flood vulnerabilities (n=108)
Conclusions Rural people perceives knowledge as the household income, new skills and better decision making related options. Household income and children education are the most prioritized areas of knowledge for rural communities. Disaster management related knowledge is less prioritized for the studied communities. Tacit / oral knowledge plays an important role in family earnings, health care, skill development and social activities. Explicit knowledge is used for children education. Both the knowledge has almost equal role in disaster management. Village market, media, neighbours, local leaders or learned persons, NGOs and government organizations are the main sources of knowledge for the livelihoods management. For disaster management related knowledge the neighbours, media and GO/NGOs are the important sources. People updates their disaster related captured knowledge mainly through self observations or previous experiences and consultations with family members and neighbours.
Conclusions Lack of resources, easily understandable communicative languages of media, timely and appropriate early warning messages and leisure are the important barriers for improvement of knowledge regarding disaster management. A large number of respondents stated that flood / cyclone early warning messages were very useful for them as they moved to the safer places with valuable assets. Establishment of rural information centre, community based volunteers, easily understandable and timely early warning messages would be the right measures for improvement of knowledge in reducing flood / cyclone vulnerabilities. Poster is found as the most appropriate IEC / knowledge material easily understandable and accessible for the community people in improving knowledge regarding flood / cyclone management.
Recommendations Village market infrastructures should be improved to use as the important source for disseminating knowledge on disaster management. NGOs / GO organizations should take more programmes in cyclone / flood prone areas to improve knowledge of rural communities. Appropriate, timely and easily understandable flood/ cyclone early warning messages should be introduced. Community based volunteers should be developed. Rural knowledge centres should be established. Posters and other knowledge materials on disaster management should be accessible to the rural communities at local language.
Photograph of Study Area Photograph: Cyclone Aila 2009 affected Chandpai union of Mongla upazila under Bagerhat district.
Photographs of Household Survey Interviewing Mrs. Jahanara Begum, Village- Vijora; Union- Barabagi; Upazila – Amtali; District- Barguna (Left). Interviewing Md. Nazrul Islam, Village- Ruhuli; Union- Gobinda dashi; Upazila – Bhuapur; District- Tangail (Right).
Photographs of FGD FGD conducted at Village- Ruhuli; Union- Gobinda dashi; Upazila – Bhuapur; District- Tangail (Right). FGD conducted at Village- Brahmman math; Union- Chila; Upazila – Mongla; District- Bagerhat (Left).