OVERVIEW Table 3 Course of Fire 2
TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Given a service rifle/ Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) with primary aiming device, individual field equipment, common weapon sling, magazines, ammunition, and threat targets at short, mid, and long range, achieve a score of 4 out of 7 possible points. (0300-M ) 3
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE Given a service rifle/ Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) with primary aiming device, individual field equipment, common weapon sling, magazines, ammunition, and threat targets at short, mid, and long range, engage targets from 40 to 500 meters using supported firing positions. (Standing, Kneeling, and Prone) (0300-M a) 4
Method/Media Evaluation Safety/Cease Training Admin Notes 5
QUESTIONS What I will be teaching? How I will be teaching? How you will be evaluated? 6
TABLE 3 UNKNOWN DISTNANCE COURSE OF FIRE TRAINING: 7 Table 3 UKD Day (Training) StageMeter Line DrillRounds per Iteration TimePosition(s)Iterati on Round s Zeroing100 MZero5N/AProne Engage until down45Supported Standing Engage until down45Supported Kneeling Engage until down45Supported Kneeling Engage until down45Supported Kneeling Engage until down45Supported Prone Engage until down45Supported Prone Engage until down65Supported Prone Total45
TABLE 3 UNKNOWN DISTNANCE COURSE OF FIRE PRE-QUAL/QUALIFICATION 8 StageMeter LineDrillRound s per Itera tion TimePosition(s)Itera tion Roun ds 40-60Engage until down45Supported Standing Engage until down45Supported Kneeling Engage until down45Supported Kneeling Engage until down45Supported Kneeling Engage until down45Supported Prone Engage until down45Supported Prone Engage until down65Supported Prone Total30
SUMMARY Table 3 Course of Fire 9