Status and prospects of food grains and oilseeds in eastern states Deputy Director General (Crop Science) ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Workshop on “Agricultural Scenario in Eastern India - Review & Future Prospects” April 6, 2015
Eastern states of India Net Sown Area =23.52 mha (17%) Small & Marginal Farmers = 29% Population Below poverty lines= Varies from 20 % WB to 39.9% Chhattisgarh
Area (mha) of major crops in eastern states (TE ending ) State/CropRiceWheatMaizePulsesOilseeds Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Total area of eastern states All India average area % of national acreage
Production (mt) of major crops in eastern states (TE ending ) State/CropRiceWheatMaizePulsesOilseeds Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Total production of eastern states All India average production % share of national production
Productivity (kg/ha) of major crops in eastern states (TE ending ) State/CropRiceWheatMaizePulsesOilseeds Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Average of eastern states All India average % of national productivity
Contribution of eastern states to all India acreage, production and yield for major crops CropEastern statesAll India % contribution to all India AreaProdnYieldAreaProdYieldAreaProdnYield Rice Wheat Maize Pulses Oilseed s Area: Million Hectare; Production: Million Tonnes; Yield: Kilogram/Hectare
Technological gap (%) for rice in eastern states (ICAR-FLDs: ) State FLD (kg/ha)State Yield (kg/ha)* Techn gap (%) Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Odisha West Bengal Eastern UP **41 ** Data pertains to entire UP * State average yield is based on the TE ending
StateFLD (kg/ha) State yield (kg/ha)* Techn gap (%) Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand West Bengal Technological gap (%) for wheat in eastern states (ICAR-FLDs: to ) ** Data pertains to entire UP * State average yield is based on the TE ending
Technological Gap (%) for Rapeseed-Mustard in eastern states (ICAR-FLDs: to ) StateFLD Yield (kg/ha) State yield (kg/ha)* Techn gap (%) Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal * State average yield is based on the TE ending
Technological gap (%) for gram in eastern states (ICAR-FLDs: to ) StateFLD Yield (kg/ha) State yield (kg/ha)* Techn gap (%) Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha WB ** Data pertains to entire UP * State average yield is based on the TE ending
Pace of adoption of improved technologies is slow Abiotic Stresses ( Submergence 5.0 mha, drought prone 8.78 mha, coastal salinity 1.39 mha etc) Low level of farm mechanization Small and fragmented land holdings Lack of infrastructure for seed processing, seed storage etc. Prone to natural calamities (frequent floods and droughts). Poor infrastructure for procurement, transportation, roads, rural electrification
Stresses prone area in eastern India (lakh ha) StatesFlash flood proneDrought proneSalinity / Sodicity CoastalInland Assam Bihar Jharkhand Chhattisgarh Orissa WB Total Percentage20363<1
StateRiceWheatMaizePulsesOilseeds Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Total indents of eastern states All India indents % share of eastern states to national indents Indents for breeder seed (q) of major crops from eastern states ( to )
Prospects Improved technology in hand (high yielding varieties/hybrids, improved agronomic practices etc. and stress tolerant varieties of Availability of ground water Large fallow areas for second crop (8.75 mha) Availability of machinery is improving ( Custom hiring) Massive programme of farmers awareness ( ICT, KVKs etc.)
High-yielding Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties (IRRI-ICAR collaboration) Flood Tolerant 1.Swarna-Sub1 (2009) : 145 d 2.Samba-Sub1 (2014) : 120 d 3.Binadhan 11 (2015) : 115 d 4.CR-1009-Sub1 (released by TN in 2014 yet to be notified): 150 d Salt Tolerant 1.CR dhan 405 (2013) : 150 d 2.CR dhan 406 (2013) : 125 d 3.CSR 43 (2014) : 115 d 4. Gozaba (2014) : 120 day Drought Tolerant 1.Sahbhagi dhan (2010) : 110 d 2.IR 64 Drt (2014) : 125 d 3.Sukkha dhan 5 (2015): 130 d 4.Sukkha dhan 6 (2015) (tolerant to both drought & flood): 125 d High yielding STRVs have potential to both increase and stabilize rice productivity in Eastern India, which was not benefited during first green revolution. Ministry and state governments are promoting these varieties very extensively under NFSM and BGREI. 30% rice budget under these two scheme is allocated for these varieties during 2015.
Flood affected (10 d submergence) rice fields of Arun Kumar Singh at village Khuruhuja, District Chandoli, UP, India Swarna Swarna-Sub1
StatesKharif-rice area (million ha) Rabi fallow (million ha) Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Total Area under fallows in eastern states