The pieces or particles of rock (large and small)… ADD HERE Weathering Weathering The pieces or particles of rock (large and small)… ADD HERE Weathering occurs when rock is exposed to “weather events” (ex: wind, water, pressure changes), as well as, the actions of organisms.
Chemical Weathering is the… ADD HERE The red color in this rock represents chemical weathering. The original composition of the rock has changed due to its exposure to rain. The iron minerals in the rock combined with the oxygen molecules in rain water to create iron oxide (rust). The iron oxide in the rock can weather easily. The statue has gone through chemical weathering. Water combines with carbon dioxide in the air to create carbonic acid. Carbonic acid will dissolve specific minerals, such as those found in limestone or marble.
Physical (Mechanical) Weathering Frost Action: : Water will make its way into a crack in the rock… ADD HERE Frost Action is responsible for damage done to roadways.
Physical Weathering Abrasion: A form of… ADD HERE An agent of erosion such as gravity, running water, wind and/or glaciers are responsible for abrasion. “How does abrasion work?”
The roots of plants will grow… ADD HERE Sometimes the weathering of rocks can be caused by biologic action. Living organisms can weather rocks both chemically and physically. Biologic Action Some organisms will release compounds through… ADD HERE The roots of plants will grow… ADD HERE
Factors that Impact Weathering Exposure The closer a rock is to Earth’s surface, the faster it will weather. The exposed bedrock along the beach will weather quickly due to: Changes in temperature. Exposure…
Factors that Impact Weathering Particle Size and Mineral Composition Some minerals in rocks are… ADD HERE Smaller sediments have a larger surface area exposed… ADD HERE The minerals that make up this vein of granite are more resistant to weathering than the dark parent rock surrounding it.
Climate Factors that Impact Weathering Specific types of weathering and its intensity are prone to certain climates. PHYSICAL WEATHERING: Prone to… ADD HERE CHEMICAL WEATHERING: Prone to… ADD HERE
Sediments that have weathered from rocks become part of the soil. Soil Formation Soil Sediments that have weathered from rocks become part of the soil.