Wild Card Definitions RiverineCoastalPolitics
Definitions – 1 XP QUESTION: Why the FEMA definition of flood is important ANSWER: It determines whether a flood insurance claim will be paid or not
Definitions – 2 XPs QUESTION: The most dangerous part of the floodplain where flow is deepest and velocities highest ANSWER: Floodway
Definitions – 3 XPs QUESTION: The part of the 100-yr floodplain where development can occur without an encroachment review. ANSWER: Flood fringe
Definitions – 4 XPs QUESTION: Types of buildings that have actuarial flood insurance rates ANSWER: Post-FIRM
Definitions – 5 XPs QUESTION: In Wisconsin the maximum this can be is 0.00 ft. ANSWER: Surcharge
Riverine – 1 XP QUESTION: In a natural, stable alluvial channel how often the stream gets out of bank ANSWER: 1.5 – 2 years
Riverine – 2 XPs QUESTION: A name for a flood that has a 1 % chance of occurring in a given year ANSWER: 100-yr flood
Riverine – 3 XPs QUESTION: Type of riverine flood that causes the most deaths. ANSWER: Flash flood
Riverine – 4 XPs QUESTION: Riverine flood zone that includes the area of inundation of the 500-yr flood ANSWER: X or B
Riverine – 5 XPs QUESTION: Riverine flood zone that the 100-yr flood will inundate to a depth of 1 foot or greater ANSWER: AE or A1-A30
Coastal – 1 XP QUESTION: Most costly U.S. natural disaster ANSWER: Hurricane Katrina
Coastal – 2 XPs QUESTION: Causes most deaths in a coastal storm ANSWER: Storm surge
Coastal – 3 XPs QUESTION: Most hurricane prone state ANSWER: Florida – 40 % of all U.S. landfalling hurricanes strike Florida
Coastal – 4 XPs QUESTION: Three causes of exceptionally high storm surge during hurricanes and tropical storms ANSWER: Wind, low pressure, tides
Coastal – 5 XPs QUESTION: Most dangerous quadrant of a north Atlantic hurricane ANSWER: Right front quadrant.
Politics – 1 XP QUESTION: Forever tainted the George W. Bush administration ANSWER: Poor response to Katrina
Politics – 2 XPs QUESTION: Only tropical cyclone to cause a civil war ANSWER: Great Bhola Cyclone of 1970
Politics – 3 XPs QUESTION: Was the fall guy for the Federal response to Hurricane Katrina ANSWER: Michael Brown
Politics – 4 XPs QUESTION: Probably lost his university job because of pressure from the Army Corps of Engineers ANSWER: Ivor Van Heerden, former Director the LSU Hurricane Center
Politics – 5 XPs QUESTION: Governor of Louisiana who probably lost her job because of Katrina ANSWER: Governor Kathlene Blanco
Wild Card – 1 XP QUESTION: The invert of a river channel ANSWER: Thalweg
Wild Card – 2 XPs QUESTION: Ironic threat from floods ANSWER: Fire
Wild Card – 3 XPs QUESTION: Act of Congress intended to make the NFIP more self- supporting ANSWER: Biggert-Waters of 2012 (BW 12)
Wild Card – 4 XPs QUESTION: Most tropical cyclone-prone country ANSWER: China
Wild Card – 5 XPs QUESTION: Why emergency managers recommend an axe be included in hurricane kits in New Orleans ANSWER: So you can chop through the roof to escape from the attic if flood waters get too deep