Anne Boleyn and British Protestantism By Cas Morris
Thesis Anne Boleyn was instrumental in the transformation of England from a Catholic state to a Protestant one.
Main arguments She had reformist tendencies herself and was a patron of reformers. Henry at least thought he was truly in love with her and so was in a position to be influenced by her ideas. She introduced Henry to certain reformist ideas which encouraged him in his break from the church, primarily by lending him the book Obedience of a Christian Man. added urgency to his desire for a divorce from Catherine which may have made him more prone to rash action.
Three most useful Primary sources Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn: The Love Letters Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic from the Reign of King Henry VIII by James Gairdner Obedience of a Christian Man William Tynsdale
Two most useful Secondary Sources Rethinking the Fall of Anne Boleyn by Greg Walker The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn by Retha Warnicke
9 out of 10 scholars disagree Literally no one agrees on anything. Some say there was a conspiracy to bring Anne down Others say there wasn’t Some say she was a reformer Others say she wasn’t Born in 1501 or 1507?
Henry VIII Auditioning for the Role of Othello As it turns out it seems most likely that there was no conspiracy at all and Anne simply had a few indiscreet conversation that taken with Mark Smeaton’s confession drove him to believe she was guilty.
Contribution to Class Topic The creation of the Church of England had enormous and lasting effects on the monarchy and society of Great Britain. It made the monarch the head of the church and brought about laws such as the Succession Act which banned Catholics from gaining the throne. Heretics were now traitors as well.