ANZSIC 2006 Implementation International Workshop on Implementation of ISIC and CPC Kunming, China September 2009
ANZSIC 2006 Implementation Strategy Last major change Impact on ABS ANZSIC 2006 Implementation Program (AIP)
Program Governance Model ANZSIC06 Implementation Corporate Investor Statistics NZ Program Owner Implementation Program Manager Managers of specific implementation projects Quality Advisers Program Board Implementation Coordination Team Representatives of affected areas ASAC and ESUG ABSMM ESSCC Collection areas/Support areas and other projects relating to ANZSIC06 Implementation
ANZSIC 2006 Implementation Strategy Preparatory phase develop broad strategies sign-off the processes develop new ANZSIC autocoder create production frame on both basis Transition phase maintain 2 production frames for each collection recode (reverse coding) from ANZSIC06 to ANZSIC 1993 Full implementation phase publish on new basis only
Implementation Statistical Strategies annual collections produced 2 years ‘bridged’ data on the new basis subannual collections used the parallel run strategy irregular and benchmark economic collections - dual coded non-register sourced collections - dual coded
Program management Transition plans Communication plans Outcome realisation plans Risks management Issues management Financial management ANZSIC 2006 Implementation Strategy
Program management (continued) quarterly Board meeting six-monthly one-on-one meeting with affected areas annual workshop other meetings/workshops, as required ANZSIC 2006 Implementation Strategy
Implementation Business Register Strategies Recode stock of business register to ANZSIC 2006 Business As Usual (new registrations) Reverse coding Quality Assurance
Implementation Output Strategies Collections will: –Publish on ANZSIC 2006 basis only; –Include a general note in the explanatory notes –Include a technical note additional bridging/backcasting information or details if necessary; –Include more information for users in their publication releases, one to two reference periods before the introduction of ANZSIC 2006 (subannual collections and national accounts only). ANZSIC 1993 data series
Inform and update users on progress during the life of the program utilise all affected ABS areas to identify and engage with users produce information papers, conduct information sessions and provide contact points for queries Implementation Communication Strategies
Release schedule of statistics A number of ABS collections had already been published on ANZSIC The rest of the ABS collections will progressively migrate to ANZSIC 2006 this year.
Implementation Annual Collections produced 2 sets of data on new basis published 2004/05 and 2005/06 ref. years full survey redesign 2006/07 ref. year sampling procedures: design on ANZSIC 1993 standard optimised allocation top-up sample to achieve constraints on both A93 and A06
Implementation Annual Collections measurement strategy: post- stratification other considerations: consistent rigour in editing both for A93 and A06 understanding the impact or changes
Implementation Subannual Collections Use parallel run estimation design two separate (but overlapping) samples (A93 and A06) collect data and estimate separately from each sample
Backcasting Backcasting guideline Often an expensive and error prone undertaking Decision to backcast requires strong justification to do so Not all ABS economic collections will backcast. Key backcasting parameters ABS developed a generalised backcasting facility
Program evaluation report assess the appropriateness of program outputs; assess the effectiveness of the program management; identify best practice in the program; reflect on the things that went well; ANZSIC 2006 Implementation Strategy
Program evaluation report (continued) recommend ways on how to improve the program implementation; understand and document the major problems encountered; recommend how the process could be contracted; and identify exemplars of transition plans and key program/project documents. ANZSIC 2006 Implementation Strategy