Stealing Carol Ann Duffy
In this poem, Duffy adopts the voice of a bored young man who tells us about his exploits stealing. This speaking a poem in the voice of a character is called a 'dramatic monologue'. It is as if this is a speech from a character in a play
The character tells us the things he steals and his motivation for stealing. He tells what he does with the stolen goods and the thrill he gets from stealing. The theft of the snowman is pointless, mindless and cruel. The thief actually enjoys the thrill of ‘knowing that children would cry in the morning’. On the other hand, it is just a stupid, and fairly harmless prank, that you could imagine lots of people doing, or thinking of doing, given the right circumstances.
This dramatic monologue is organised into five stanzas of regular length. The questions to the reader / listener make a frame to the speech. Stanzas 3 and 5 move away from the story of the snowman, which adds to the effect of an informal conversation…. almost like a chat. Structure
What is the speaker like? Like the snowman he is cold. “the slice of ice / within my own brain” He cannot empathise with others. The snowman is an appropriate ‘mate’ (line 3) for the thief. It is an object which is unfeeling and conveniently ‘mute’.
What we can tell about the Character and his life: Actions/ Lines from the poem: He’s frustrated and angry at his life, and at what he doesn’t have, as symbolised by the snowman. ‘booted him. Again. Again.’ Perhaps he feels guilt, certainly he sounds less cocky. ‘It seems daft now.’ He wants help and a better life. ‘sick of the world.’ He’s got nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to live for. ‘mostly I’m so bored I could eat myself.’
Test yourself….. Write about Stealing. What interests you about the person who tells us his story? In answering this question you might comment on: how language is used the form and structure Now have a go at answer the question, just as you would do in the exam. Allow yourself ten minutes. Remember Point - Quote - Comment (Make a point, support it with a quotation, and then explain how the quote reinforces the point you are making. )