俳句 Haiku の喜び The Pleasure of Haiku. 春夏秋冬 The Definition of Haiku A poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which nature is linked.


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Presentation transcript:

俳句 Haiku の喜び The Pleasure of Haiku


The Definition of Haiku A poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which nature is linked to human nature. (American Haiku Association, 1994) Haiku is communication between human and nature The heart of Haiku is based on Zen Buddhism

The Haiku Moment and Sudden Awareness Old pond-- frogs jumped in – sound of water (Lafcadio Hearn) June rain bride’s eyes become the sea (Tomo Yamada, Univ. student)

The Japanese View of Nature We are a part of nature, not apart from nature. The Japanese traditionally view nature in harmony with human beings, not as disorderly chaos to be controlled. Nature, beauty, and art are joined together, and the eternal is found in fleeting moments of beauty like sakura (cherry blossoms).

日本の春 Spring in Japan Canola blossoms along the river

桜の春 Cherry Blossom in Spring Loveliest of flowers, the cherry now Is hung with blossoms along the bough (A.E. Houseman)

日本の夏 Summer in Japan

コスモスの秋 Cosmos in Autumn

日本の秋 Lovely Autumn in Japan Persimmon tree in an autumn sky

紅葉の秋 Japan’s natural surroundings contribute greatly to its beautiful scenery

日本の冬 Cold Winter in the Northern Part of Japan

Basic Rule 1 Five-Seven-Five Syllables Three Lines this bitter ale- the taste of her lipstick (Paul David Mena, 1998)

Basic Rule 2 Season Word Spring rain A spent salmon Drifts a shore (Nika, 1994) frog pond… a leaf falls in without a sound (B.L. Einbond)

Basic Rule 3 Cutting Word 切れ字 Stillness— the candle flame grows (George Marsh 1993) Autumn evening; A crow perched On a withered bough (Basho) 古枝に烏の止まりけり秋の暮れ 芭蕉

The Essence of a moment Haiku Moment and Emotion How still it is! Stinging into the stones The locust’s thrill ( ) Am old man Trying to forget love— Winter rain 老いが恋わすれんとすればしぐれかな 与謝蕪村

The Essence of a moment Haiku Moment and Emotion Distant thunder— Falling love with you ever in my dream 遠雷や夢の中まで恋をして 黛 まどか Harvest moon the thud of falling apples in the night (Jim Kacian) 収穫月 リンゴの落ちる音 真夜中に

Superposition A fallen petal Flies back to its branch Ah! a Butterfly 荒木田守武 traslated by F.S. Flint frog pond… a leaf falls in without a sound (B.L. Einbond)

Sudden Awareness of the Communication between human and nature A field of rape-flowers: The sun is the west, The moon in the east 菜の花や月は東に日は西に 与 謝蕪村

Which Haiku do you like ? * Just one drop of dew Reflects the whole sun’s burning Ten millions of leaves (Edith M. Shiffert, 1987) *Dewdrops each a sun ( Jack Stamm)

春 Spring 春はあけぼの やうやう白く なり行く山ぎは、少しあかりて 紫だちたる雲の細くたなびきたる In spring it is the dawn that is most beautiful. As the light creeps over the hills, their outlines are dyed a faint red and wisps of purplish cloud trail over them. The Pillowbook of Sei Shonagon

夏 Summer 夏は月のころはさらなり やみもなほ蛍の 多く飛びちがひたる また、ただ一つ二つ など、ほのかにうち光りて行くもおかし 雨など降るもをかし In summer, the nights! Not only when the moon shines, but on dark nights too. As the fireflies flit to and fro, and even when it rains, how beautiful! The Pillowbook of Sei Shonagon

秋 Autumn 秋は夕暮れ。夕日のさして山の端いと近 うなりたるに、烏の寝どころへ行くとて、 三つ四つ、二つ三つなど飛び急ぐさへあ はれなり。まいて、雁などのつらねたる が、いと小さく見ゆるはいとおかし。日 入りはてて、風の音、虫のねなど、はた 言ふべきにあらず。 In autumn, the evenings, when the glittering sun sinks close to the edge of the hills and the crows fly back to their nests in threes and fours and twos; more charming still is a file of wild geese, like specks in the distant sky. When the sun has set, one’s heart is moved by the wind and the hum of the insect sounds. The Pillowbook of Sei Shonagon

冬 Winter 冬はつとめて雪の降りたるは、言うべ きにもあらず、霜のいと白きも、また さらでもいと寒きに、火など急ぎおこ して、炭もてわたるもいとつきづきし。 In winter, the early mornings. It is beautiful indeed when snow has fallen during the night, but splendid too when the ground is white with frost; or even when there is no snow or frost, but it is simply very cold and the attendants hurry from room to room stirring up the fires and bringing charcoal, how well this fits the season’s mood!