Pedro Alvares Cabral Background Timeline Voyage Information NarrationBibliography Video Click on a topic to learn more To come back to home page click on blue buttons By: Michaela, Emily, Maria, Mora
Voyage Information Click picture to go to Voyage Click picture to go to Voyage Route Click picture to go to Reasons for Voyage Home
Voyage Cabral made one journey in his lifetime and that journey made him famous. Pedro was a Portuguese explorer who sailed under King Emmanuel. In 1500 he was used by King Emmanuel to continue the work of Vasco da Gama. Vasco da Gama had reached Asia by sailing around Africa. King Emmanuel wished to use Gama again but Gama was tired from his long journey and requested that someone else do it. He chose Pedro and gave him a fleet of thirteen ships. His job was to establish trade routes where ever he went and establish Christianity also. He was allowed to use force if that became necessary. About 1,200 accompanied him on this voyage. His goal was to get to India by following the exact route of Da Gama. Da Gama gave the directions to Pedro himself. More Voyage Info.
Voyage Continued…. They set out on their journey from Lisbon on March 9, After returning to Lisbon after a storm they set out in a south western direction. They continued in this direction and on April 22, 1500 they spotted a mountain in the distance. They came upon shore this new land and claimed it for Portugal. Cabral immediately sent messengers back to the king of Portugal with the good news. Cabral only stayed on the new land for ten days long enough to name it the Island of Vera Cruz. This land is known now not to be an island and is now called Brazil. After leaving the new land Cabral set out towards Asia. More Voyage Info.
Voyage…. After reaching the Cape of Good Hope they were struck by a storm and lost four vessels, one of which was captained by Bartolomeu Diaz, who had discovered the Cape of Good Hope. Finally, they reached India and loaded up on valuable goods and spices. They then returned to Portugal in 1502 and their voyage was a success. King Emmanuel never used him again though, and he retired to his estate. He died in Home
Map of Cabral ’ s Voyage Route Voyage Home The orange line is the route of his journey to India. Yellow is his journey back to Portugal. Little is known about his voyage route home, but this is the assumed way.
Reasons for Voyage Cabral sailed shortly after De Gamma came back from sailing around Africa and reaching Asia. King Emmanuel asked Cabral to continue on de Gamma ’ s work. One of Cabral ’ s main reasons for sailing was for money. Pedro wanted to money to support his family and kids. He also sailed because enjoyed the thrill of sailing. Another one of his interests was seeing the world around him. When the King asked Cabral to sail to Asia he agreed because it was a new adventure for him. Home
Background Information Pedro Alvares Cabral was a Portuguese explorer born in Belmonte, Portugal. Way back in the year 1467, Cabral was born. He lived until he was 53 years old, and died in His goal was to introduce the religion of Christianity to other countries. He first started sailing when he was thirty three and later had six children. An old story said that Cabral discovered Brazil because he had been driven off the path he was supposed to follow originally. More Background Info.
Background Information Continued Cabral was a well educated boy as a child and all of his hard work in school paid off because he was very well known as an explorer. The reason he wanted to explore was because he wanted the wealth for himself and for Portugal. He also wanted to explore for adventure. When Cabral finally found Brazil he decided to name it "Island of the thru Cross." His family was very rich and he was fortunate as a child to be born into such a wealthy and wise family. HomeBack
Narration Journal, About two weeks ago, something very interesting happened to us. We found uncharted land! This is how it happened. “ Land, land! I see land! ” cried one of the crew members at the top of his lungs. I dashed to the front of the ship, unsure if this could really be true. Sure enough, there was the top of a mountain visible through the dense fog. “ Throw down the anchor, we ’ re going ashore! ” I shouted. When we reached the land, we started to explore and realized that this land was not claimed. I claimed it for Portugal and decided to name it Island of the True Cross. It was breathtakingly beautiful! There were lush green forests everywhere, and everything was so bright and full of life. I had never seen anything like it in all of Europe! More Narration
Narration Continued After spending 10 days on this island, I decided that it was time to go. Some of my crew wanted to stay longer, but I firmly said no because we had to continue our journey to Asia. We then set sail on the vast navy ocean to continue our journey. This was definitely an exciting but unexpected detour. All I hope is that we will still be able to reach Asia and establish permanent relations with the people there as planned. Pedro Alvarez Cabral Home Click here to listen to narration
Video In this video you will see the voyage that Cabral was supposed to take. The route he was directed to take was the route of de Gama who had reached Asia by sailing around Africa. But he veered of course and discovered Brazil. He then continued on the route that de Gamma had originally planned for him. He then reached Asia. Home Click on picture to view video.
Bibliography Home “Pedro Alvares Cabral lifetime” cabral.htm “Pirate’s Cove” “Enchanted Learning” “The University of Calgary” “Pedro Alvares Cabral” “Social Studies for Kids” “Historical Text’