No Stone Left Unturned Exploring Extreme Regions Presentation Developed by: Michael Tolbert
What Is Extreme Exploration? Exploration of areas that are hostile to humans. Ocean Exploration Pole Exploration Mountain Exploration Cave Exploration Space Exploration What Else?
What Makes Them Go? Personal Glory National Glory The Drive to Achieve Romance Thrill Seeking Scientific and Geographic Discovery Financial Gain Because Its There
What Makes Them Go? "The lure of the Arctic is tugging at my heart. To me the trail is calling. The old trail. The trail that is always new." ~Mathew Alexander Henson~
Those Who Went---- Floyd Collins Neil Armstrong Sir Ernest Shackleton Robert E. Peary George Mallory Sir Edmund Hillary
Floyd Collins Cave Explorer met his end in 1925 Lived near Mammoth Cave in Kentucky Died of exposure while exploring Sand Cave Ignited a media frenzy that captured the attention of the entire nation
“ I am trapped, trapped for Life ”
Neil Armstrong 9:30 p.m. July 20, million watched from the television Neil Armstrong made his first step on the moon. Who cares?
Sir Ernest Shackleton Shackleton with a crew of 26 set out from London for Antarctica. His ship, Nimrod, became stuck in packed ice The crew remained there for many months Their experiences were immortalized by the photography of Frank Hurley
Photos: Frank Hurley
Robert E. Peary First to conduct major explorations of the North Pole First Expedition: Failed Tried again in 1905 Finally Reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909
Matthew Hensen
George Mallory British Disappeared while attempting a summit of Mt. Everest in 1924 Mystery surrounded the event until his body was found 75 years later
Sir Edmund Hillary First to successfully summit Mt. Everest Let ’ s find out more!!!! Start Here Start Here nova /everest/history/firstsummit.html
References neilabio.html neilabio.html