Career Development Workshop #1 Career Services University of Canberra
Career Services at UC 3B2 (foyer of Building 3) Jennie Collins Kate Wright
The Canberra Award Read all about it at: Register for Career Workshops at:
Why a career? Because you are going to be working for a long, long time! Because you are not going to win Lotto, you are not going to inherit $2mn and very few jobs pay $500,000 per year – retirement age (ie pensionable age) is 65. This is going to rise.
Your best investment? Yourself! Your knowledge Your skills Your experience Gain knowledge, skills and experience you can take with you from job to job and from country to country.
Career development … … is a process as you begin your working life, find success in your first job, move on to other positions, take on more responsibility, accept new opportunities or take a chance on a new career direction. … is a process as you begin your working life, find success in your first job, move on to other positions, take on more responsibility, accept new opportunities or take a chance on a new career direction. Remember this: One day, you will find a job that combines all your knowledge, skills and experience and gives you a real thrill. This is the job that was made for you. However, it doesn’t exist yet, so don’t worry right now about finding it.
Courses and Careers Are you doing the right course for you? Your ideas might change … that is OK. Talk to someone!!
Saying Yes, Saying No Is it always good to take what you are offered? What is it you really want? What do you really want to be doing in ten years’ time? What do you need to do now to do what you want in the future? What do you need to do now to do what you want in the future?
Learning is life-long Your undergraduate degree is just the start of your professional learning. Post-graduate study (university) Vocational study (TAFE) Professional development courses In-house training National/international conferences
Professional Associations Join your professional association as a student member!! Financial Services Institute of Australia Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Australian Institute of Medical Science Australian Computer Society Economic Society of Australia Australian Graphic Design Association Public Relations Institute of Australia Sport Management Association of ANZ Commercial Law Association of Australia
Association benefits …. E-newsletter, print journal Reduced cost for annual conferences Invitations to seminars, workshops Networking evenings Profession/industry information Employment opportunities
Changing careers … The past – a job for life (security, reliability, loyalty) (security, reliability, loyalty) The present – a job for now (transferable skills, experience, professional development) The future – several careers in a lifetime, supported by formal study.
Global financial crisis … Will this affect my work opportunities? Possibly. What can I do about this? Very little. Keep studying, keep communicating, keep gathering skills, keep working, keep meeting people and keep applying for jobs!!