Review: Youth Fitness Skill- & Health-related fitness Involvement in PA over time/with age 2008 PA guidelines Recommendations? Value? Norm- & Criterion-referenced standards
Psychological Measurements in Sport and Exercise HPHE 3150 Dr. Ayers
Psychological Factors Affecting Sport Performance Anxiety Concentration Confidence Motivation Mental preparation Personality
Affective Domain Trait vs.State Stable/ConsistentSituational General vs.Sport Specific TEOSQTEOSQAnxiety Assessment for Wrestlers Dimensionality Hard to isolate one component of most characteristics
Cautions Measurement errors One's own knowledge/limitations Test purpose Used how? Shared with whom? Validated for sample/situation intended Team selection Participant feedback
Measurement in the Affective Domain Quantitative (#s) Likert scales (1-5) Semantic Differential (slow-fast) Quantitative (#s) Qualitative (text)
Likert Scales Assume equal response intervals Widely used in attitude inventories Allow wider choice of expression than Y/N Using multiple intervals can improve reliability (to a point; 5-7 max)
Table 12.2: Scaled Responses NeverSometimesOftenFrequentlyAlways Strongly agree AgreeNo opinionDisagreeStrongly disagree AlwaysNever AgreeDisagree Not important at all Extremely important
Semantic Differential Scales Use bipolar adjectives (extremes) Choose point between extremes to reflect feelings Three factors measured with these scales Evaluation (degree of goodness) Potency (strength of concept being rated) Activity (describe action)
Semantic Differential Evaluation (degree of goodness) PleasantUnpleasant FairUnfair HonestDishonest GoodBad SuccessfulUnsuccessful UsefulUseless
Semantic Differential Potency (strength of concept) StrongWeak HardSoft HeavyLight DominantSubmissive RuggedDelicate DirtyClean
Semantic Differential Activity (describe action) SteadyNervous HappySad ActivePassive DynamicStatic StationaryMoving FastSlow
Table 12.3 Semantic Differential Scales Physical Activity Good__ Bad Pleasant__ Unpleasant Relaxed__ Tense Hot__ Cold Healthy__ Unhealthy Nice__ Awful Delicate__ Rugged Active__ Passive
Measurement in the Affective Domain Qualitative (descriptors) Interviews Good listener Tape record or take notes Observation Videotape Be unobtrusive
Scales used in Sport and Exercise Psychology Sport Competition Anxiety Scale (p. 331) Competitive State Anxiety Inventory – 2 (p ) Attitudes Toward Physical Activity (p. 357) Children's Attitude Toward Physical Activity (p. 337) Physical Estimation and Attraction Scale (p. 338) Trait and State Sport Confidence Inventories (p. 340) Group Environment Questionnaire (p. 341; Ex Phys)
Kenyon’s Attitude Toward Physical Activity (ATPA) Social experience Health and Fitness Pursuit of vertigo (thrill/excitement) Aesthetic experience Catharsis Ascetic experience (self-denial; work) 6 Dimensions of ATPA:
General Psychological Scales Used in Sport and Exercise Self-Motivation Inventory (p. 344; useful for Ex Phys program leaders drop-outs) Profile of Mood States (p. 346; individualize) Test of Attentional and Interpersonal Style (p.347) Width (broad to narrow) Direction (internal to external)
Stages of Change for Exercise and Physical ActivityStages of Change for Exercise and Physical Activity (p. 349) Precontemplation No intention to change behavior Contemplation Intention to change behavior Preparation Preparing for action Action Involved in behavior change Maintenance Sustain behavior change As a fitness leader in a corporate wellness program, how could the SOC help you increase employee participation in PA program?
Tell a friend one thing you can use psychological assessments for in your profession. Decide what tool you would realistically use and bring a copy of that inventory to next class: 1)COMPLETE instrument 2)Administration instructions 3)Scoring instructions & tally sheet (if needed) 4)Validity & reliability information