Pick a Ride Pick the ride you are most comfortable with… “It’s a Small World” a gentle, easy ride
Pick a Ride Pick the ride you are most comfortable with… “Jungle Cruise” A little more excitement-- seat belt not required
Pick a Ride Pick the ride you are most comfortable with… “Space Mountain” Fast moving thrill ride…
pick a ride …Find the Prime Factorization x x 11 50
pick a ride …use order of operations 9 + (12 – 10)( ) (2 3 – 7) x 4
Pick a ride m 10s = 82 10j = 8.5 s = 8.2j = 0.85m = 3 (4 2 )m=48
Pick a ride n = = n = 4 n 28 n = 3n = 42 n =115.2
Pick a Game 4oz = ____c 121/2 Mr. Cat is heavier. He is 14 lbs & Mama is 192 oz Mr. Cat weighs 224 ounces. Mama Cat weighs 12 pounds. Who is heavier? 24 pt = ___ qt
Find the surface area. 280 in 2 10 in 5 in 6 in in in 5 in 6.5 in in 2 10 ½ in 5.3 in 6 ¼ in
Find the surface area units units in 2
Pick a ride 15 = 9 5 n 48 = n 6 = n n = 3n = 10 n = 29.75
pick a ride …use order of operations (5- 1 2) x – 8 x [ (72/6) – 3] x
Pick a ride in 2 diameter = 4 in height = 6 in Find the SA in in 2 The surface area of a can is in 2. The top of the can has an area of in 2. How much paper is needed to make the label? How much Aluminum is needed to make a soda can with a height of 5” and a diameter of 3”?