Summer Fun?
To share information to support your role as a school leader, manager, and decision maker.
People – Character – Endeavor - Communication Leadership Lessons
PeopleCharacter EndeavorCommunication Most Valuable, Favorite, and Why?
How do we rehabilitate the Gulf of Mexico environmentally and economically?
How do we improve the physical and emotional safety of learning environments within South Dakota’s schools?
How do we best ensure that each student can read proficiently by the end of third grade?
Public Problem FactsMythsValues Public Decision (Policy)
Fact: a verifiable statement of what is true Myth: what people think is fact Value: opinions about how things should be
Which questions were the most difficult to answer? Why?
Leading and Governing Associates Phillip Boyle, Ph.D
LibertyProsperity CommunityEquality Policy Decisions
Competing Values Sometimes people want to be free more than they want to be equal. Other times they want to be equal more than they want to be free. Sometimes people want to be secure more than they want to be prosperous. Other times they want to be prosperous more than they want to be secure.
Prosperity Equality Community Liberty
Consensus Defined Consensus has been achieved when every person involved in the decision can say, “I believe this is the best decision we can arrive at for the organization at this time, and I will support its implementation.”
Simply agreeing with a proposal is not true consensus. Consensus implies commitment to a decision.
The Consensus Process Define the Issue Develop Criteria Craft a Proposal Test for Consensus Agreement / Commitment
Continue TCAP (Teacher Compensation Assistance Program) with the following revisions: 1. Allow reimbursement of tuition and fees to non-certified staff who are working toward teacher certification. 2. TCAP should support the district’s school improvement plan. 3. Allow districts to equally distribute the funds based on meeting or obtaining the district goal.
What values are involved in this case? How are the following values involved in this case? LibertyProsperity CommunityEquality Policy Decisions
Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Stephen Covey The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Which question(s) may be most useful to you during the Back to School season?
“Live as though you’ll die tomorrow. Learn as though you’ll live forever.” John Wooden ( )
Your Leadership for This Year… What are you determined about? What control might you give up? What will thrill you?