NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. S TONERIDGE E LEMENTARY A STEAM Focused School
Great Instruction ▪ Everything at Stoneridge starts with great instruction ▪ All of our teachers trained and coached in effective first instruction based on brain research ▪ We have a schoolwide systematic approach to make sure students receive intervention when needed ▪ Our teachers provide challenging and engaging curriculum for our students
S cience ▪ Science Docent program ▪ 3 extra Science Labs a Year ▪ 5th grade dissects owl pellets, eyes and hearts ▪ After school science enrichment including food science, chemistry, CSI
T echnology ▪ Brand new computer lab thanks to our PTC ▪ 50 iPads, 40 laptops ▪ Google Accounts ▪ Staff trained in how to use Google Accounts, more of a focus for
E ngineering-Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Problem solving and engineering focus that we can ensure every student gets within our school day The program uses structured approaches like the engineering design process and employs critical thinking. The program allows students to apply STEM knowledge, skills, and habits of mind, learning that it's okay to take risks and make mistakes. Every student K-5 will be part of this program
A rts ▪ Great musical every year ▪ Class performances ▪ Talent show ▪ Wonderful Art Docent Program
M ath and Math Olympiad ▪ Math Olympiad is a team of students who solve math related problems focusing on reasoning, creativity, and resourcefulness ▪ The objective of the Math Olympiad is to let them experience the satisfaction, pleasure, fun, and thrill of discovery associated with creative problem solving. Our team had a lot of fun this year! ▪ We had multiple students score 4 out of 5 and one student scored a perfect score!
An example of a Math Olympiad Problem In the addition problem below, different letters represent different digits. It is also given that N is 6 and T is greater than 1. What four-digit number does T H I S represent? T H I S + I S K E E N
Destination Imagination · Destination Imagination is an extra-curricular volunteer run program. · We had 8 teams of students participate from 3 rd through 5 th grade All teams participated in the Regional Tournament · 4 teams qualifying to participate in State Finals, and one team winning a Special Renaissance Award. ·Teams participating in State did well – with one team barely missing a chance to go to Global Finals. · Most Valuable Takeaways of the DI Program: Creativity was nurtured through hands on STEAM projects. Teamwork and problem solving skills were built.
Leadership ▪ Leadership Club members act as role models for the student body, educating them at assemblies and modeling our six character traits ▪ We have raised over $4, for various charities, including the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and endangered species ▪ We volunteer monthly at Sutter Rehabilitation Institute, helping stroke patients with their therapy through art and games
Awesome Activities and After School Enrichment ▪ Afterschool enrichment includes Girls on the Run and classes for science, engineering and art ▪ Jog-a-thon fundraiser ▪ Mother/Daughter and Father/Son Events ▪ Carnival ▪ Very committed community to our school
Our Culture ▪ Increased presence in community ▪ Watch D.O.G.S. Program ▪ Amazing, Supportive PTC ▪ Reaching out to the community as a resource to enhance learning ▪ We remember that teaching and education is fun! ▪ Future CC and PLTW...and all the teachers and staff are still ALL IN! We love Stoneridge and our Stoneridge community, it is FAMILY!