Presenters – Lions Karla & Clarence Harris The Art of Recognition
It is a rare and high privilege to be in a position to help people understand the differences that they can make not only in their own lives, but in the lives of others by simply giving of themselves. ~Helen Boosalis 2
Objectives Understanding Volunteer Motivation Compliments and Celebrating Little Achievements High Praise Learn and Experience Volunteer Recognition Methods Have fun! 3
Understanding Motivation Theories of motivation – why do people volunteer? 27 Academic Theories of Motivation Framework of needs that motivate humans Three Theories 4
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self- Actualization Esteem/Ego Love/Belonging Security/Safety Physical /Survival 5
Dogbert Hierarchy More money False Hope of Advancement Recognition without monetary benefits Thrill of Empowerment Artificial challenge created by poor planning and inadequate resources Coffee, donuts, caffeinated soft drinks 6
Lions Hierarchy of needs Focus Fun Friends Free Stuff Food 7
McKinsey Survey Found that three non-cash motivators that were as or more important to employees than the 3 highest financial incentives *Praise from immediate managers *Attention from leaders *A chance to lead a project 8
Types of Appreciation Reward & Recognition Formal & Informal* * Compliments and Little Celebrations Today’s Lesson Everyone needs some, but who gets what? 9
A Perfect Solution Really Big Idea 10
Say Thank You All the Time Lions need to hear THANK YOU all the time – not just once a year! Appreciation means we are Valued When we feel Valued, We give our best work, we bring out the best in all of us, we have Happy, Proud Lions who stay. And we attract new Lions who can Do More Service Projects 11
Why We Should Celebrate “Little Achievements” More! Our Compliments and little celebrations: Encourage Lions who are struggling Help Lions Learn New Tasks Strengthens Relationships Increases Your Circle of Friends Helps You Become Less Cynical 12
Why We Don’t Do Either Our Brains are designed to focus on the Negative We are Self-Absorbed Lions don’t need thanks! We See Everything as a Competition We are Shy We Don’t Want to Appear like a Brown- Noser/Suck-Up/Kiss ? We Assume They Already Know We Don’t Know What to Say! 13
Appreciate & Recognize Service Create a culture of recognition High Praise = true motivation Robert Half International Staffing Study - Found the number one reason why people leave their jobs is the lack of praise and recognition. 14
High Quality Praise Communicates I SAW WHAT YOU DID I APPRECIATE IT HERE’S WHY IT IS IMPORTANT, and HERE’S HOW IT MAKES ME FEEL ! Source: Bob Nelson, Ph.d 1501 Ways to Reward Employees 15
Praise should be ASAP As Soon As Sincere As Specific As Personal As Positive As Proactive …as possible! Source: Bob Nelson, Ph.d 1501 Ways to Reward Employees 16
Everyone (even YOU) needs some R&R, but Who gets What? Match it to the person Match it to the achievement Match it to your budget! 17
High Praise Practice Practice compliments and recognition Schedule a Regular Time Each Week/Month to write/send thank you notes Get good at seeing behaviors worth celebrating The Other Half of a compliment is knowing How to “Receive” Them! 18
High Praise Challenge Challenge yourself to compliment five different people next week! 1) A Loved one 2) A Co-worker 3) A long-time Lion 4) A new Lion 5) A prospective Lion 19
Key Points Summary Awareness of Volunteers Motivation Supervise Positively with Thanks and High Praise Keep a Culture of Reward and Recognition The Key to turning some-time volunteers into long-time members is ? 20
Some of the richest people in the world are not millionaires. They are volunteers. ~ 21
Thank You! See Web page: Informal Recognition - Over 200 Ways to Reward and Recognize Volunteers 22