AIMLESS CRIME On October 7, 1976, Gary Gilmore was sentenced to death by a Utah court after a seemingly purposeless crime spree, and on January 16 th 1977, he because the first person executed in the United States since 1966….Gilmore had been released from prison only six months earlier, after serving time for armed robbery….Gilmore himself described the next events: “I pulled up hear a gas station. I told the service station guy to give me all of his money. I then took him to the bathroom and told him to kneel down and then I shot him in the head twice. The guy didn’t give me any trouble but I just felt like I had to do it.” The very next morning, Gilmore left his car at another service station…. “I went in and told the guy to give me the money….Then I shot him….”
PERSONALITY DISORDERS Definition: maladaptive or inflexible ways of dealing with others and one’s environment Cannot establish relationships with other people Cannot assume social responsibilities Cannot adapt to their social environment Self Defeated Personality Patters: Painfully shy, lonely Vain, pushy show-offs
TYPES OF PERSONALITY DISORDERS DisorderCharacteristics AntisocialDisplays pattern of disregarding and violating the rights of others without feeling remorse DependentDisplays pattern of submissiveness and excessive need to be taken care of HistrionicDisplays excessive emotions; excessively seeks attention Obsessive-CompulsiveHas an intense interest in being orderly, having control, and achieving perfection ParanoidDistrusts others; perceives others as having evil motives SchizotypalFeels intense discomfort in close relationships; has distorted thinking and eccentric behavior
ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY Definition: a personality disorder characterized by irresponsibility, shallow emotions, and lack of conscience Treat people as objects Major Occupation: thrill seeking Intolerant of everyday emotions