Will you dare ??
My name is Craig and I’m a Methodist. We believe that God created the world and the universe. We also believe that it is through God that gives us strength. We attend church every Sunday and we listen to K-Love a contemporary Christian and gospel radio station. Amen!
We take our pets very seriously. Our tradition is loving cats. We have 5 adult cats, 2 litters of kittens, and 14 cats in total. We also have 2 dogs. A Shetland Sheepdog and a half-Shelty, half- border collie mix. We have two fish. They’re both Crowntail Bettas. Male Beta fish. We find animals to be wonderful companions. We think of them as another human because they are living beings who breathe, eat, and live.
I speak English because I was born and raised in America. Even though most of my ancestors spoke Spanish and I speak almost none. I find it interesting that my dad’s ancestor’s spoke the Indian language of the Ojibwen Tribe in Minnesota and the Celtic language of the Scotts.
I am from Texarkana, Texas. My dad is from Texarkana, Texas and my mom is from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Most of my ancestors are from Europe immigrating from the eastern parts of the region. Some of my other ancestors came from the southern hemisphere and from the Minnesota range of Indians. Our ancestors moved to New York and as the years passed on they moved down South. We always have dinner on Sundays with my Grandma. We also find room for helping people when we get the chance
Our literal entertainment comes from our thrill-seeking lifestyle. We like music, art, and literature that has a twist and stands out. We consider our literal fun as something to do in our free time. We find that our literal nature has not always been passed on from our family.
We have no particular style we go by so it is hard to describe our clothing. We have T- shirts, and we have Shorts, Jeans, and regular clothing items.
We like Italian foods, such spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, and some types of pasta. We also like Mexican foods: Burritos, Taquitos, Tacos, Honey & Tortillas, and refried beans.
We celebrate our holidays by having an elaborate feast in which a whole array of food is presented on our dining table. We eat different foods for different occasions. For example, on Thanksgiving someone bakes a good sized turkey and some ham. On Christmas we have gingerbread cake and pistachio salad (which really isn’t a salad it’s actually a type of pudding).
My mom works as a substitute for T.I.S.D. as of September My dad works as a mental therapist for Vista Health. My sister who is 16 will have an ensured position in Lifeway Christian Bookstore after she makes a full recovery after tearing her ACL. We pay the sales tax of Texas like everybody else who lives in Texas, 8.25 cents.