Vocabulary 13
Align – verb 1. to arrange or adjust in a straight line. 2. to join or cooperate with others for or against a cause We saw the community align in order to walk for cancer research. We had to align the blue dots do they were straight.
Conducive- adjective -to lead or contribute Studying a little each night is conducive to good grades.
Continuity - noun -The state of being unchanged over time There is quite of bit of continuity within this graph; it keeps trending upward as time goes on.
Daft - adjective -extremely foolish or silly; crazy Ignore Homer’s behavior, he has gone complete daft ever since he didn’t get his morning donut.
Epitome - noun - a person or thing that has all the typical qualities of something. She is the epitome of a hard worker as she answers phones, takes down messages, and hands out reports all at the same time.
Facility - noun 1. the ability to do something easily 2. equipment that makes some activity possible or easier. 3. a building, a room, or an area for some activity. R.A. Jones Middle School is the name of the facility where we learn. This lady has a facility for making quilts; she has been doing it since she was 10.
Gallivant - verb -to go here or there in search of amusement. The park guests started to gallivant toward a roller coaster in search of a thrill.
Incredulous - adjective -Unwilling or unable to believe Penny gave Sheldon an incredulous look when he asked her to hang out since she didn’t even think he liked her.
Jargon - noun -a special language used in a particular field of interest or activity. Sports announcers speak a lot of jargon when talking about plays in a football game.
Mollify - verb - to make less angry The mother tried to mollify her angry child by holding him until he was calm.
Momentum- noun -the force in which something moves. Since the first hill provided the coaster with a lot of momentum, it was about to go through each one of the loops.
Repercussion – noun - something that happens as an effect of or reaction to an event or action, often used in plural. John’s repercussion for not studying for his History exam was the F he got as a grade.
Smolder – verb 1. to burn and smoke without flame. 2. to exist in a state of hidden or tightly controlled activity. The campfire we made last night continued to smolder until the next morning. Kady was able to smolder her real feelings for the girls so she could get revenge against them.
Stoic 1. noun – someone who controls their emotions, accepts what happens, remains calm. 2. adjective – unemotional, calm, unbothered; self-controlled. The woman appeared stoic in the field even though there was a bear coming her way. The stoic man didn’t let anything bother him.
Vile – noun disgustingly bad Brussel sprouts are so vile I don’t know how anyone could eat them.