The Thrill of Victory
Joshua 3 and 4
Victory comes in the lives of those who chase the presence of God.
Victory comes in the lives of those who honor God for the great God He is.
As long as we don’t think we need God and stay full of pride,
God can’t use us
As long as we have known impure thoughts and actions in our lives,
God can’t use us
As long as we try to work in our power and not His,
God can’t use us
But when we honor God for the great God He is, He works IN us and THROUGH us.
Victory comes when someone has the faith to stand in the water BEFORE it recedes!
"the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen."
It is also important to notice what their faith was in.
the promises of God
God’s victories in and through us bless us and others that come after us.
So the question today is:
Who is willing to step in the water and believe that God is going to continue to work mighty works at RCBC?
Ducks and faith Past and present
Are the ducks at Ridgecrest going to fly or waddle?
Will you step in the water and lead the way?