Mystery Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Maryland Science Content Standard Based on data from readings and designed investigations, students will cite evidence to illustrate that life functions of multi-cellular organisms (plant and animal) are carried out within complex systems of different tissues, organs and cells. Extracting energy from food Getting rid of wastes (products) Making raw materials
Objective Students will organize information about photosynthesis and cellular respiration in order to understand the needed relationship between the two –Title:Angry Red Planet –Date:5/20/2015
Connections Go to: The Angry Red PlanetThe Angry Red Planet Complete the mystery Answer the provided questions ON the word document. Click here.Click here –Make your answers 14pt. Text –Change the color for the answers –Choose a font that is easy to read –If there is a student at the table that does not know how to edit text using word, have them do the editing with the other giving the instruction Glue the questions in your notebook on the next two blank pages. –Print out as many copies as people in your group
Closing Question Due to unsafe conditions, the pod needed to be evacuated. What is a worldly problem that is related to the problems the scientists were facing with their study? (Hint: Al Gore) –This can be answered on your title page…..