Week 1
MONDAY Count the hundreds, tens, and ones. Write the number. _______ hundreds + _______ tens + _______ ones = ______
TUESDAY Add or subtract. Use the place value blocks to help you = ______ = ______
WEDNESDAY Write the expanded form for each picture ______ + ______ + ______
THURSDAY Count. Write the missing numbers , 311, 312, _____, _____, _____, _____, , 266, 267, _____, _____, _____, _____, , 497, 498, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
FRIDAY Sometimes a hundreds chart can help you add or subtract. Look at the problems below. Count forward or backward by tens to find the answers = _____ = _____ = _____ = _____ Explain why a hundreds chart helps you add and subtract tens. __________________________________________________________
Week 2
MONDAY Write the matching numbers. 1.one hundred seventy-one __________ 3.six hundred __________ 2.three hundred fifty __________ 4.four hundred nine __________
TUESDAY Circle the value of the red underlined digit , 30, , 50, , 80, , 40, 400
WEDNESDAY Count backward. Write the missing numbers , 186, 185, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ , 763, 762, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ , 304, 303, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
THURSDAY Write the numbers that match the pictures and compare using > or < in the circle. 1. __________ __________ 2. __________ __________
FRIDAY Read the clues and write the three-digit number. A 2 is in the tens place. The hundreds digit is 5 greater than the tens digit. The ones digit is 1 less than the hundreds digit. The mystery number is __________. Explain how you got your answer. __________________________________________________
Week 3
MONDAY Compare each set of numbers by writing >, <, or =
TUESDAY Write the three-digit numbers hundreds, 3 tens, 7 ones __________ 2. 9 tens, 6 ones, 3 hundreds __________ 3. 8 hundreds, 0 tens, 2 ones __________ 4. 0 ones, 7 hundreds, 5 tens __________
WEDNESDAY Use a place value chart to help you add or subtract tensonestensones
THURSDAY Add to find two problems that have the same sum. Circle their sums
FRIDAY Add or subtract = _______ = _______ How can knowing help you solve ? How can knowing 7 – 3 help you solve 700 – 300 ? __________________________________________________________
Week 4
MONDAY Break up the numbers into tens and ones. Then add. An example has been done for you _____ + _____ _____ + _____ = 63 _____ + _____ = _____
TUESDAY Skip-count by 5s. 1. 5, 10, 15, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 2. 30, 35, 40, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, , 120, 125, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, , 245, 250, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
WEDNESDAY If there are 10 tens in how many tens are in 200 ? _____ tens how many tens are in 300 ? _____ tens how many tens are in 400 ? _____ tens Explain how you know. _______________________________
THURSDAY 1. What is 10 more than 192 ? ____________ = ___________________________ 3. What is 100 less than 458 ? ____________ = __________________________ 5. What is 10 more than 883 ? ____________ = __________________________
FRIDAY Three students wrote a number to match the picture. HUNDREDS TENS ONES Ann wrote 45. Ben wrote 450. Chih wrote 405. Which student wrote the number correctly? ___________ Why are the other two numbers incorrect? ___________ __________________________________________________