Who? When? Why? Where ? And How? Who: Japan attacked the United States. When: Japan attacked us on Dec. 7, 1941. Why: Japan was intimidated by all of our weapons, so they tried to destroy them, and Perl Harbor had a lot of our Battleships. They wanted world power and to do that they had to take out some of the other countries weapons. Where: Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which is in Hawaii. How: Japan used planes, called air strikers. They carried bombs that they used to bomb Pearl Harbor. Japan used one of their air craft carriers and went out in the middle of the ocean and then the planes took off of that. Who: Japan attacked the United States. When: Japan attacked us on Dec. 7, 1941. Why: Japan was intimidated by all of our weapons, so they tried to destroy them, and Perl Harbor had a lot of our Battleships. They wanted world power and to do that they had to take out some of the other countries weapons. Where: Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which is in Hawaii. How: Japan used planes, called air strikers. They carried bombs that they used to bomb Pearl Harbor. Japan used one of their air craft carriers and went out in the middle of the ocean and then the planes took off of that. Picture of Battleship being bombed in Pearl Harbor.
Who? When? Why? Where ? And How? Japan has no natural recourses, so they must get them from other countries. Japan decided to invade other countries, mainly China, Korea, and Taiwan. Taiwan is our friend so we stopped trading with them. For Japan that was horrible, because we gave them oil and supplies to build buildings. Japan was outraged so they rounded up some of their troops to come over and invade the United States. They wanted to take control of our country to get our natural resources. This is why Japan came to attack Pearl Harbor.
Who? When? Why? Where ? And How? It is important to know about the tragedy that happened at Pearl Harbor because that was an important event in history. This was the first time Japan invaded us. And the only time so far, that Japan has invaded us. Lives were lost, 2,403 people were killed and 1,178 people were injured. The attack started at 7:55 AM and went to 1:30 PM.
Pearl Harbor Timeline Japan’s Horizontal Japan sends Bombers open fire at 8:05 Japan sends in planes with torpedoes at 9:05 7:55 Japan attack Pearl Harbor Ship Oklahoma sinks in Pearl Harbor at 8:14 Japan sends in Horizontal Bombers planes at 7:58 Horizontal Bombers return to the Japanese air craft carriers at 10:00 Japan land planes invade Hawaii at11:46 Japan stops attacking us at 1:30 with a victory. We send in air planes at 12:10