Judea Pearl The A.I. Guy (2011 Turing Award Winner) Matt Hegarty CSCE Spring 2013
His Life September 4, Tel Aviv, Israel Mandatory military service B.S. Electrical Engineering – 1960 (Technion) M.S. Electronics – 1961(Rutgers) M.S. Physics and PhD in Electrical Engineering – 1965 (Rutgers and PTI Brooklyn)
Why Judea is Awesome Bayesian Networks A way for A.I. to handle causality – Often compared to what Boolean operations were to logical calculus He also did research in physics. And computer hardware He's also a musician And he runs the Daniel Pearl Foundation (More on this later)
The Problem with Causality Probability is hard Example: Deaths from Smallpox vs deaths from Smallpox Vaccines Diagnostic vs Causal Positive feedback – You can't do both at once The solution: Directed Graphs
Bayesian Networks Courtesy of Wikipedia
Why this won a Turing Award Prior to Bayesian networks, predictive algorithms always ran in best case N^2 time. In order to get an accurate prediction, N nodes were needed for each N parameter. Bayesian Networks only need local information to perform probability calculations. Therefore operations can be run in linear time. This made probabilistic modeling a viable option for problems of a non-trivial size.
Daniel Judea's son Daniel was kidnapped and murdered in His captors demanded the release of all Pakistani terror detainees He was beheaded and cut into 10 pieces by Pakistani militants
The Foundation Founded by Judea and Ruth after Daniel's death Honors Daniel's memory, promotes understanding between Muslims and Jews Helps aspiring journalists and puts on concerts across the world