This is the gate of heaven! Enter ye all by this door This door is kept shut because of the draught The Kingdom of Heaven
Coming to Church does not make you a Christian - We should point people to Jesus The Kingdom of heaven We can live our Christian lives behind the closed Church doors and not reach out to others We can keep out the “wind” of the Holy Spirit as well as the draught
Parable of the Mustard seed Jesus teaching on the Kingdom of heaven Parable of the Yeast Parable of the treasure in the field Parable of the pearl of great price Parable of the net of fish
To fulfill what had been spoken by the Prophets - But Why Parables I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old Psalm 78 verse 2 Old Testament Parables Jesus and Nicodemus Matthew 11 v 25 Hidden from the wise.. Revealed to little children
The Parable of the Mustard seed The Kingdom of heaven Something so big from something so small. Plop
The parable of the leaven The Kingdom of heaven Is meant to make a difference You are the salt of the earth - Matt 5v13 “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees Matt 16v6 At the time of passover leaven (yeast) was banned - See Exodus 12 Possibly a warning
Parable of the treasure The Kingdom of heaven A question of value It requires all that he has to purchase the field A treasure worth everything
Parable of the pearl The Kingdom of heaven A question of who??? It requires all that he has to purchase the pearl Who is doing the purchasing? Is it us or is it Jesus?
Who is the buyer? The Kingdom of heaven If it is us Count the cost Not for the halfhearted An eternity of value If it is Jesus It shows how much He values us His death on the cross shows this We belong to Him
Parable of the net and fish The Kingdom of heaven Whose righteousness do we depend on? There will be a separation A warning of judgement… spelt out for all to hear
Parable of the Mustard seed Jesus teaching on the Kingdom of heaven Parable of the Yeast Parable of the treasure Parable of the pearl of great price Parable of the net of fish From a small seed that died came a great Kingdom. We’re meant to make a difference - but beware the wrong yeast The value of knowing God is priceless - but there is a cost Jesus values you so much He came to earth & died for you There will be a time of separation and judgement - are you ready?