Draft River Basin Management Plan Workshop Freshwater Pearl Mussel December 2008
Freshwater Pearl Mussel Lives in nutrient-poor, acid to neutral waters of rivers flowing over granite or sandstone rock, mainly in the western part of Ireland, but also in areas of the south and south east where geological conditions allow They have a complex life cycle and mature between 7 & 15 years of age. The larvae (glochidia) initially attach to the gills of salmonid fish hosts which provide nourishment, before they become large enough for independent development in the river bed.
Background Key objective of the Water Framework Directive –to achieve compliance with any relevant standards and objectives for water dependent habitat and species protected under the Habitats Directive. Freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera and Margaritifera durrovensis) are on Annex II of the Habitats Directive Because they are particularly sensitive to environmental pressures, may require catchment specific measures in sub-basin plans supporting basic measures. Regulations containing environmental quality standards are being developed
Quadrat Searches Photos by Dr Eugene Ross
This is what shell length profiles should look like
Background The 2007 Habitats Directive Article 17 Conservation Assessment Report –concluded that all of the 27 SAC populations, listed in Annex II are in unfavourable condition –deterioration in water quality and, in particular, to the loss of juvenile habitat in the substratum through eutrophication and siltation –Programmes of Measures for these 27 SAC populations to restore the water- and substrate-habitats to the quality required by fully functioning recruiting freshwater pearl mussel populations.
Location of the 27 FPM Catchments designated
Sub-Basin Plans Undertake a detailed assessment of pressures in the catchments of the 27 freshwater pearl mussel populations, identified in Annex II, Develop the necessary catchment specific measures and sub-basin plans to meet the water related needs of the species. Plans must comply with the proposed European Communities Environmental Objectives (Freshwater Pearl Mussel) Regulations 2008 Plans developed in two phases Part of NS 2 contract
National Co-ordination National Committee established by DEHLG –to provide guidance for freshwater pearl mussel sub- basin plans standard set of measures which can form the basis of the POMs Consultants role –provide advice, reviews and studies as necessary Establish Freshwater Pearl Mussel Committee in each RBD with FPM site
FPM Sub-basin Plans: September 2008 – December 2009 FPM experts - 55 years of planning & fieldwork experience Robust evidence needed to justify plan changes Phase 1 Database & GIS – collation of datasets Desk study – comprehensive review of pressures and indicators Monitoring programme – based on WFD class systems tailored to FPM habitats & prioritised to fill key data gaps in 2008 Legislative & policy review – informing measures development Methodology
Assess key impacts Develop generic/strategic measures: –minimise pressures –prevent poaching –purchase subcatchments –captive breeding programmes –augment/remediate habitat Develop pilot plans for prioritised subcatchments Phase 2 Monitor – to complete pressure & indicator datasets Consultations – Phase 1 plans feeding into Phase 2 plans Tailored catchment specific measures for each sub-catchment Further consultations on specific sub-basin plans Final recommendations data, monitoring etc Methodology
FPM Sub-basin Plans - Fieldwork Qualified surveyors Margaritifera, macroinvertebrates, phytobenthos, macrophytes, morphology, siltation, fish physico-chemical support via LA programmes Bundorragha River, Co. Mayo
FPM Sub-basin Plans – Write-up Introduction Status Nationally and in the Catchment Pressures Affecting Status in the Catchment and Measures –Modification of cultivation practices (agriculture, afforestation etc) –Taking / removal of fauna –Peat / Sand and gravel extraction / Mines –Urban and Industrial Discharges –Pollution –Communications networks –Sport and leisure structures (fishing) –Drainage –Erosion –Interspecific faunal relations –Climate change Summary of Catchment Management Plan
FPM Sub-basin Plans and WFD River Basin Plans Details from the FPM Sub-basin plans will feed into the RBMPs This will allow for more effective consultation both through the RBMPs and the NS II FPM consultations which begin in January 2009 Public participation is also a key element in relation to the Freshwater Pearl Mussel Plans