The Big Wave By Pearl S. Buck
The Volcano Erupted Jiya and his family lived in a small fishing village in Japan A volcano erupted and made the ocean move a lot of water into a tidal wave Jiya’s father made him climb the mountain to go to his friend’s Kino’s house The tidal wave hit the shore with such force that Jiya’s house and family were swept away with the sea
The beach was swept clean Jiya climbed to his friend’s house and looked back to see the giant wave wash everything he ever knew away Jiya was suddenly weak, sad and he cried. He fainted from shock Kino cried too, and Kino’s father took them both inside Kino’s mother made some soup for the boys
Jiya was very pale Jiya was pale and asleep. Kino’s sister, Setsu, wanted to know if he, too, was dead Kino just cried for his friend Mother brought rice soup in and Kino drank it. It made him feel a little better. Kino’s father said he would be Jiya’s new father and that his family would be Jiya’s new family
Life is stronger than Death Kino’s father knew that Jiya would be sad for many, many days But he knew soon that he would be happy again sometime soon, as life is stronger than death “We must allow him to be sad”, said Kino’s father. Kino was afraid that Jiya would forget his own mother and father and his brother
The Sea was calm and the Sun shining The big wave was long gone, the sea was peaceful. The sky was very blue and the birds sang Kino wanted to know who made the terrible storm that caused the death of Jiya’s family His father said he didn’t know, but because of death, we appreciate life even more
Jiya finally awoke When Jiya finally awoke, he sobbed He realized he was in Kino’s house, but thought maybe the wave was just a dream Kino’s mother said she would be his mother now, and Kino his brother, and he would also have a new father Jiya understood and looked out at the sea Jiya finally ate some soup, but he didn’t feel the soup going down. He felt as he was still asleep.
Sleep was his friend Jiya slept and healed from his heartache He was always tired. Sleep strengthened him to face life. Kino felt that they must be very unlucky to live between the raging volcano and swirling sea Kino’s father said it was because of those dangerous things they knew how good life could be
Why do you think so? Asked Kino’s father… We love life because we live in danger, said Kino’s father We do not fear death because we understand life and death are necessary for each other. The people of Japan always live in danger, so they must be brave and strong