2014 NASA Cost Symposium Registration & Travel Information for NASA CS and NASA Funded Attendees
Overview General Symposium Information –Event Announcement –Date & Location –Agenda Overview (draft) –Abstracts, Papers, and Nominee Submission Important Conference Information Airfare Information Hotel Information FedTraveler Information NCTS Information Symposium Registration Website Summary Extra: Preparation Checklist 2
Event Announcement 2014 NASA Cost Symposium is confirmed confirmed NASA, Support Contractors, Prime Contractors, Academics, and other Government are encouraged to attend Sponsored by NASA HQ Cost Analysis Division 3
General Information Date: August 2014 –ECASG on Monday, 11 August Location: LaRC – Hampton, VA –5A N Dryden St, Hampton, VA –Pearl Young Theatre Format: Traditional paper/brief with 30-45min time slots (presentation, live demo, etc.) Website: Sponsor: NASA HQ Cost Analysis Division POC: 4
Agenda Overview Pending paper selection and final agenda, please use the below draft Agenda Overview Check the website for the published Agenda after paper selection is complete 5
Abstracts and Papers Abstract submission is encouraged Abstracts due by 13 June Download the Call for Papers at: – gov/offices/ooe/ Symposium.htmlhttp:// gov/offices/ooe/ Symposium.html 6
Community Nominations Nominate outstanding colleagues to recognize their efforts Nominations due by 30 June Download the Call for Nominations and Forms at: – ffices/ooe/Symposium. htmlhttp:// ffices/ooe/Symposium. html Use the forms to complete the nomination 7
Important Conference Information 2014 NASA Cost Symposium *IS* a Conference –NASA Sponsored Conference under NID NID Headcount Limit of 60 NASA Funded Attendees –NASA Funded Attendees include NASA CS, contractors, and others that have their attendance and/or travel funded by NASA (see NF-1784 pg5-6 for definitions)NF-1784 –Local attendees, other government, contractors, and individuals that are not NASA Funded Attendees are not counted against the headcount limit Cost cap of $100, –Per policy, cost cap is in place which INCLUDES TRAVEL For more information on NASA Conferences, including info for attendees and travel approvers: – 8
Airfare Information NASA CS and NASA Funded Attendees are encouraged to utilize the lowest available fares –Research low cost options using GSA City PairsGSA City Pairs –Make your reservations via FedTraveler –Contract your local Travel Office with questions Newport News (PHF) –10 miles to LaRC (~20 minutes) Norfolk (ORF) –23 miles to LaRC (~40 minutes) 9 Pearl Young Theatre LaRC Newport News/Williamsburg Airport (PHF) Norfolk Airport (ORF)
Hotel Information 10 NASA Travelers are encouraged to use Low Cost Hotels Hotel Per Diem is $83/night
FedTraveler Information –Used by NASA CS to create travel authorizations Default: Fly out 11 August Monday and return 15 August Friday Select “CONFERENCE” in FedTraveler Trip Purpose Field Provide a description in the comment field –Include the NCTS Number in your comment Example: Traveling to 2014 NASA Cost Symposium NCTS # Select this purpose
FedTraveler Information At the end of your Travel Authorization is the final step of providing Accounting Strings. These strings are for reporting and CFO purposes. They are EXTREMELY important –NASA Conference Reporting Requirements –Financial reporting by CFO –CAD uses for NF1785 Post Conference Approval form Supply the correct Function Code string for the 2014 Cost Symposium: N Select this code *note 2014!
NCTS Information NASA Conference Tracking System (NCTS) must be used by all NASA CS attending the conference – Search for the 2014 Cost Symposium via name, or the NCTS # Click the “Register” button at the bottom of the event page 13
Symposium Registration Website All attendees must register via the Symposium Registration Website: – Online Registration will be made available via this website –There is no fee or cost for registration Select your food & beverage options during registration –Food & Beverage can NOT be paid for by NASA therefore NASA CS or others that select to include food will be asked to pay –Food & Beverage will be linked to the GSA per diem amount to ensure a net $0 cost to government travelers and those on per diem Website is maintained by third party Support Contractor –Secure online credit card processing via Authorize.net –Follow instructions for technical support if needed Payment for food & beverage using website via credit card or follow instructions to mail a check 14
Summary 2014 NASA Cost Symposium is on August at LaRC in Hampton, VA –It is officially approved and listed in NCTS # –It is a reportable conference under NID NASA CS should register via NCTS and the Symposium Registration Website –Complete your travel authorization using FedTraveler All attendees should register via the Symposium Registration Website Abstracts due on 13 June Award Nominations due on 30 June Final Paper/Brief due on 25 July Mail to: 15
Sequential Preparation Checklist Submit an Abstract by 13 June (optional) Submit any Award Nominations by 30 June (optional) Complete the FedTraveler travel authorization Select airfare Select hotel Use the Function Code accounting string N Complete the NCTS registration (NASA CS only) Visit and register for # https://ncts.nasa.gov Complete the Symposium Website Registration Visit and registerhttps:// Select your food & beverage options Pay via credit card or mail in a check 16
ECASG Information Executive Cost Analysis Steering Group (ECASG) will be meeting on 11 August, Monday at LaRC –Meeting time is TBD ECASG is by invitation only ECASG members may contact or for additional details 18