Once upon time, the clouds burst over the sea. Some pearls said to themselves “We are so wonderful, so great.It is we who make the sea. It is we who keep it filled with water” There was a one little rain drop who thought differently. As it was on its way down from the clouds, it looked at the wide sea and said to itself.” The sea is so vast and great and I am so small and tiny in comparison”. It happened so, that this very humble, little rain drop fail in to the open mouth of an oyster and in the course of time, turn in to a large and lovely pearl inside. Many years latter some pearl divers, who were looking for oysters came and picked up the same oyster from the sea-bed. They brought it out of the sea and opened it. And lo! A most beautiful lustrous pearl shone in front of there eyes. The divers were amazed. Never before had they found such a marvellous pearl. “This pearl is fit only for our king. Let us offer it to him as a gift”, decided the pearl divers.And so they presented it to there king. Thus, the little rain drop, which turned in to a pearl, found it self the chief jewel in the kings crown.