Welcome to ALI 138 : Tafseer of Sura Saba Session One ______________________________________ Academy for Learning Islam May 20,
Tafseer Tafseer is an Arabic word تفسير which is derived from the root fassara which means to explain or to expound. Tafseer in the language of the scholars means: explanation and clarification. Tafseer is an Arabic word تفسير which is derived from the root fassara which means to explain or to expound. Tafseer in the language of the scholars means: explanation and clarification. It aims at knowledge and understanding concerning the book of Allah, to explain its meanings, extract its legal rulings and grasp its underlying reasons. Tafseer explains the outer (zahir) meanings of the Qur'an. It aims at knowledge and understanding concerning the book of Allah, to explain its meanings, extract its legal rulings and grasp its underlying reasons. Tafseer explains the outer (zahir) meanings of the Qur'an. Someone who writes tafseer is a mufassir مفسر Someone who writes tafseer is a mufassir مفسر Its plural is مفسرون mufassirūn. Its plural is مفسرون mufassirūn.
Sources of Tafseer The Qur'an The Qur'an The Holy Qur’an explains itself as Allah says: "...and We have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly everything, and a guidance and mercy and good news for those who submit." (16:89) Hadith from the Ahlul Bayt (a) Hadith from the Ahlul Bayt (a) Only those hadith are accepted which have an unbroken chain of narration from the Prophet (s) and members of his family Scholars who follow the conditions for the correct Scholars who follow the conditions for the correct approach to the Tafseer of the Qur’an
Popular Commentaries of the Qur’an Ahle Sunnah Ahle Sunnah Tafseer al-Kashshaf, by al-Zamakhshari Tafseer al-Kabeer, by Fakhr ad din Razi Tafseer Ibne Kathir Tafseere Jalalayn Tafseer of Tabari
Popular Commentaries of the Qur’an Shi’ite Shi’ite Majma’ al-Bayan fi Tafseeril Qur’an, by Shaykh Tabarsi Nur al-Thaqalayn, by Ali al-Huwayzi Tafseer al-Burhan, by Hashim al-Bahrani Tafseer as-Safi, by Fayd al-Kashani Tafseer al-Mizan, by Allamah Tabatabai Tafseer Namune, compiled by a group of scholars under Ayatullah Nasir Makarim Shirazi
Questions for Tadabbur 1) Praising Allah is a religious duty of believers in this world. Why would they also do it in the Hereafter? 2) What are the things that: a) go into the earth? b) come out of it? c) come down from the sky? d) go up to the sky? 3) What is the link between the two names of Allah at the end of verse 2 with the rest of the verse?
Tafseer of Sura Saba Concept of Hamd The word Hamd حمد has the following meanings: Praise, eulogy, commendation, admiration. حمد is different than مدح in that حمد is only of such acts that are done by choice, and not are just accidental. For example, describing a pearl as clear and beautiful is not حمد but مدح because the beauty of a pearl is not because of the pearl’s will. The Creator of the pearl is worthy of all حمد. Praise, eulogy, commendation, admiration. حمد is different than مدح in that حمد is only of such acts that are done by choice, and not are just accidental. For example, describing a pearl as clear and beautiful is not حمد but مدح because the beauty of a pearl is not because of the pearl’s will. The Creator of the pearl is worthy of all حمد. It also embodies the idea of thankfulness. حمد is different from شكر in that شكر is only on account of favor received whereas حمد is sometimes on account of favor received and sometimes even on account of difficulties. It also embodies the idea of thankfulness. حمد is different from شكر in that شكر is only on account of favor received whereas حمد is sometimes on account of favor received and sometimes even on account of difficulties. It implies magnifying and honoring of the object thereof. It implies magnifying and honoring of the object thereof. It also implies lowliness, humility and submissiveness in the person who offers it. It also implies lowliness, humility and submissiveness in the person who offers it.
Types of Hamd Types of Hamd قولي Spoken word قولي Spoken word حالي Condition or State حالي Condition or State فعلي Action فعلي Action Types of Possession Types of Possession خلقا Creation خلقا Creation ملكا Ownership ملكا Ownership تصرفا Dealings تصرفا Dealings
Hamd in Nahjul Balagha O Allah for You is all Praise for what You give and what You take for that with which You cure and that with which You afflict Praise that is most acceptable to you most liked by You most dignified before You Praise which fills all Your creation and reaches where You wish [it to reach] Praise which is not veiled form You and which does not end and whose continuity does not cease Khutba 160
Hamd in the Hereafter Six places of Hamd in the Hereafter upon separation from unbelievers – 23:28 upon separation from unbelievers – 23:28 after passing the Sirat – 35:34 after passing the Sirat – 35:34 when believers see Jannah – 7:43 when believers see Jannah – 7:43 when the enter Jannah – 35:35 when the enter Jannah – 35:35 when they have settled in their places – 39:74 when they have settled in their places – 39:74 after every meal – 10:10 after every meal – 10:10
The Earth and the Sky in the heart of a human being Hadith compares the earth to a heart of a human being: Seek wisdom, for it gives life to the heart the way rain gives life to the dead earth Hadith compares the earth to a heart of a human being: Seek wisdom, for it gives life to the heart the way rain gives life to the dead earth What goes into the heart and comes out of it What goes into the heart and comes out of it – physical properties (the heart as the earth) – physical properties (the heart as the earth) What goes into the heart and comes out of it What goes into the heart and comes out of it - spiritual properties (the heart as the sky) - spiritual properties (the heart as the sky)
Deeds rise into the Sky Good actions rise through the sky towards God Whoever desires honor, then to Allah belongs all honor. To Him ascends the good words, and the good deeds lift them up... (35:10)