Molluscs or mollusks are an important phylum of invertebrate animals. There are about recognised species. Most of them are marine,but they can also occur in fresh water and on land.
They have a soft body, covered with protective mantle, that in certain cases, can form a hard shell. Molluscs have a circulatory, respiratory (gills), digestive, excretory, nervous and reproductive system (eggs). They have a muscular foot for movement, which is modified into tentacles in squids and octopus. Most molluscs are hervivorous (eat algae or plants),others are filter feeders (extract nutrients from water), but cephalopods are predatory.
Cephalopods: Squid, octopus, cuttlefish and nautilus. Gastropods: snails, slugs and nudibranches. Bivalves: Clams, osyters, scallops and mussels.
–Many molluscs are eaten as food (clams, oysters, scallops, mussels, squids and land snails). –Oysters can make pearls and shells can be used to make jewellery (nacre, mother of pearl).
p Presented by : -Luna Almarza -Alejandro Martín -Diego Moreno -Iván Palazón -Iker Prado C.E.I.P Valdebernardo Tuesday, 5th March 2013