Portrait of a Woman
Date – Unkown Place – House VI Pompeii in the centre of the paved floor of a cubiculum Size – an emblema of 25.5 cm by 20.5 cm Subject – Serious young woman, whose dress and jewellery suggest a person of high social standing
Content Wearing tunic and white cloak with fringe of gold and purple embroidery Gold and pearl earrings Almost matching necklace Worried look and parted lips suggest about to speak – vivacity to portrait Parted hair in middle and pulled back give a somewhat severe appearance
Content Identity unknown, but may have been mistress of the house, but the positioning in the bedroom floor seems to refute this May have been someone of standing in community Because an emblema could have been uplifted and sited somewhere else – woman could be unknown to household Egypt?
Style Can be compared with painting of Terentius Neo and his wife Frontal aspect (not fully) Serious expression Plain background Shadow to right of nose – light coming from left Subtle gradations of light and dark on cheeks, mouth, eyes and chin