Sam Houston By: Brantley Thompson
Early Life Date of Birth: March 2, 1793 Place of Birth: Rock Bridge County, Virginia Siblings (brothers/sisters): Paxton, Robert, James, John, William, Isabella, Mary, and Eliza Houston Childhood Information: Sam spent most of his youth in the mountains of Tennessee. He became acquainted with the Cherokee Indians, and spent much time with them, an activity which he much preferred over studies and working on the farm.
Early Life Education: SAM was not ever interested in education. he attended school ages Physical Characteristics: Sam`s military records show he was 6`2 at 19 years old. Some believe that Sam died 6`6. Sam Houston showed leadership, bravery, and honesty.
Adulthood Wifes: Margret Moffette Lea, Eliza Allen, Tina Rogers Children: Sam Houston,Jr., Nancy Elizabeth, Margaret Lea, Mary William, Antoinette Power, Andrew Jackson Houston, William Rogers Houston, Temple Lea Houston. Careers: Statesman, politician, and a soldier.
Role During the Texas Revolution Key parts in the Texas revolution: Sam Houston was Commander-In-Chief of the Texas Revolution. He was evolved with the Texas revolution ever since it started.
Final Years When and were did your person die? Sam Houston died 70 years old at 6:15 pm on July 26, How did your person die? Sam Houston died of pneumonia. Why was your person so important to Texas history? Sam Houston was the second president of Texas` Republic. he defeated Santa Anna at the battle of jacinto, and he was Commander-In- chief of the Texas revolution.
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