Mark Your Calendar, Reserve Your Seat and Tell Your Colleagues: The CVRN Board Certification Review Course is Coming to: Come for the Best Review of Clinical Cardiology Available, and/or to Validate Your Clinical Knowledge by Sitting for the CVRN-BC Exams in Cardiovascular Nursing. We have the only 100% Cardiac Exam in the Industry, why go anywhere else? Houston, TX October 4-5, 2014 It is well known that Professional Certification has a Dramatic Impact on the Personal, Professional, and Practice Outcomes of Board Certified Nurses! Be among the Elite Cardiac Nurses to Hold a CVRN-BC Credential; the Mark of Excellence in Cardiovascular Nursing Practice!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR, RESERVE YOUR SEAT AND TELL YOUR COLLEAGUES: The CVRN Board Certification Prep Course is Coming to Houston Soon! Come for the Best Review of Clinical Cardiology Available, and/or to Validate Your Clinical Knowledge by Sitting for the CVRN-BC Exams in Cardiovascular Nursing. We have the only 100% Cardiac Exam in the Industry, why go anywhere else? Certification has a Known Dramatic Impact on the Personal, Professional, and Practice Outcomes of Certified Nurses! Be among the Elite Cardiac Nurses to Hold a CVRN-BC Credential; the Mark of Excellence in Cardiovascular Nursing. Course Perks: 1) 11.0 CE hours in Cardiovascular Nursing 2) Comprehensive Clinical Cardiovascular Nursing Review Manual 3) Opportunity to become CVRN-BC 4) Network with Faculty, Cardiac Nurses, & Nurse Practitioners from the Area October 4-5, 2014 – Houston, Texas CVRN BOARD CERTIFICATION PREP COURSE AND EXAMS COURSE LOCATION: THE METHODIST HOSPITAL, FANNIN STREET, HOUSTON, TX
ABOUT THIS COURSE AND EXAM OPPORTUNITY: This Clinical Cardiovascular Nursing Review & Prep Course was designed to meet the Professional Development and Board Certification needs of your Cardiac Nurses and Nurse Practitioners working in PCU, Telemetry, Emergency Chest Pain Centers, Cardiovascular Critical Care, Cath Lab, CV Surgery, CV Recovery, Cardiac Rehab, and Private Practice Cardiology Offices and Clinics. If your hospital is seeking or needs to maintain Magnet Status, the Board Certification Exams offered by the American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, Inc. are approved by the ANCC for Magnet applications. Course Outline: 7:00-7:55am - Course & Exam Registration 8-9:15am – Bedside Assessment 9:20-10:40am – EKG Essentials 10:50-12:15pm - ACS 12:15-1:15pm – Lunch on your own 1:15-2:15pm – Hypertension 2:20-3:20pm – Heart Failure 3:30-4:30 Cardiomyopathy Course/Exam Outline: 7:30-7:55am - Course & Exam Registration 8-9:30am - Interventional Cardiology 9:45-10:30am – Pacemakers 2:00-5:00pm – CVRN Board Certification Exams CVRN Review Course &/or Exam Fees: Course Only - $120 Methodist Hospital Staff; all others $160 ($50 non refundable deposit required to reserve seats—no exception) Exam Only – $250 Methodist Hospital Staff; All others $295 Pre-Registration is Essential: Registration is open online for those wanting to reserve their seat using a Credit Card in our Online Store; all others make Course & Exam payments to ABCM and mail along with the completed application form to: P.O. Box 3219, Spring Hill, FL Do not mail you’re your payment after September 20, 2014 (call or send an RSVP to and go online and pay the $50 non- refundable fee to reserve your seat in the Course &/or Exam—a late fee of $20 will be assessed if you register for the course after September 20th). You may however pay the $50 fee to pre-register and pay the balance onsite with cash or check. Exam fees and course fees can be written in the same check.Online Course Location: The Methodist Hospital, 6565 Fannin Street, Houston, TX. Contact Hours: This course is approved for 11.0 contact hours by the Florida Board of Nursing provider number Y OU W ILL F IND T HIS C OURSE O NLINE A T WWW. ABCMCERTIFICATION. COM IN OUR ONLINE STORE. WWW. ABCMCERTIFICATION. COM
COURSE FACULTY Debbie Johnson-Sasso, MHA, BSN,RN, CCRN, CVRN-BC Level II, AECG-BC, CCRN. Director of Cardiopulmonary Services, Sky Ridge Medical Center, Lone Tree, Colorado. Debbie (DJ) has worked as a Critical Care Nurse with work experience in Coronary Care, Emergency Room and Intensive Care for the past thirty two years. Debbie is a National speaker for the ABCM, and has taught at many local and National Cardiology Conferences for some 25 plus years. She comes with a wealth of knowledge, a pleasing style, and loves to share her experience with fellow Cardiac Nurses. Have a very engaging day with DJ. You will be glad you did! Course Director: Jonni Cooper, CEO President & Founder of the American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, Home of the Marriott Heart Foundation (MHF), American College of Cardiac Nurse Practitioners (ACCNP), American College of Cardiovascular Nurses (ACCN), and the Society of Cardiac Monitoring (SCM). Jonni is a seasoned Author, International Faculty and Guest Speaker for Hospitals and Cardiology Organizations Worldwide. Registration form for Cardiovascular Nursing Review Course &/or CVRN Exams Houston, TX – October 4-5, 2014 Answer all questions below and please print. I am attending the CVRN Review Course Scheduled for 10/4-5/2014 in Houston, TX I wish to sit for the CVRN I Exam on 10/5/2014 I am undecided about the CVRN I Exam, I will let you know on 10/4-5/2014 First name: Middle initial: Last name: Highest Degree: Professional certifications held: Job title: Male Female Nursing License Number: Home address: City: State: Zip: Home Work Home phone number: Name of Employer: Main Phone Number of Employer, not your supervisor: What area of cardiology do you work in? How long have you worked in this area? What other areas of cardiology do you have experience in? How many hours per week do you work in cardiology? Have you had formal training in cardiology or did you learn on the job? If so, what specialty degree or certification do you hold in cardiology? Would you like to assist as a volunteer for a local chapter of the ACCN in the Houston, TX area for future course planning? Would you be interested in teaching at local chapter events for the ACCN? If yes, follow up by sending your resume to and let us know what teaching experience you have in