NCSU Emergency Medicine Program 1/12/15
EMT Classes Ginny Renkiewicz: Head of Program Sara Houston: Clinical coordinator EMT (Basic) AEMT Paramedic
Prepares students for both NC EMS, as well as National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) “The mission of the NC State University Emergency Medicine program is to produce confident, competent, entry-level EMS providers by upholding the leading evidence-based practices and by inspiring our students to excellence in patient care through quality education. Additionally, the Emergency Medicine program will serve the state of North Carolina and beyond as a leader in the Emergency Medicine profession and by fostering a passion and involvement for prehospital research.”
EMT (Basic) HESE 300 & HESE 351 (Clinical) 48 clinical hours “initial skills and tools necessary for patient care”
AEMT HESE 301 & HESE 352 (Clinical) 132 clinical hours “more invasive procedures and patient management techniques”
Paramedic Paramedic Certification classes begin in the summer, and consist of 3 whole semesters, involving 10 separate classes. 500 clinical hours minimum “advanced cardiology, patient assessment, and pharmacological techniques”
Other Information Covered for liability by the school FISDAP documentation, printable Learn to document medical cases, use abbreviations. Have a significant understanding and comprehension of medication and their effects on the body Excellent patient interaction!
More Information Click on “Standards for EMS Medications and Skills Use” for Scopes of Practice