Class Information Sociology 1301
Text: Essentials of Sociology By: Gliddens, Duneier, & Applebaum
Absences If you are absent for more than two days, please see me. Absences are especially noticeable during group projects and will be noted in your project grade. Please refer to syllabus for chapter and quiz schedules Class Syllabus
Contact Information Please feel free to me at this address if you have problems or questions. Don’t think I won’t remember you or that I won’t respond. I will. Lenda Hart OR
Cell Phones Turn them off before entering the classroom!
Note Taking & Outside Reading Extra reading materials are given to enhance the lectures. Details from some of the readings may appear on your daily quizzes. Develop your own shorthand! Don’t attempt to write down every word of lecture.
Weekly Quizzes There will be 4 quizzes given throughout the semester over chapter readings. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Quizzes will count 35% of your grade.
Group Game Soc Jocks ▪A review of the first three chapters. ▪Played like “Who Wants to be A Millionaire
Group Project Research Model (homework assignment) Designed to take you through the steps of scientific research.
Round Table Discussion End of Semester Activity Discussion of two enrichment activities: Your choice--- –“The Weedpatch School” –Movie: “Crash” –Visit to Houston Holocaust Museum