Afeitarse To shave oneself
Cepillarse los dientes To brush one’s teeth
Dormirse To GO to bed
Ducharse To take a shower
Lavarse To wash one’s self
Levantarse To get up
maquillarse To put on one’s makeup
peinarse To comb one’s hair
Sentarse (ie) To sit oneself down
Sentirse (ie) To feel (condition)
Vestirse (i) To dress oneself
Cerrar (ie) To close
Comenzar (ie) To begin/start
Empezar (ie) To begin/start
Pensar (ie) To think
Perder (ie) To lose/miss
Preferir (ie) To prefer
Querer (ie) To want
Recomendar (ie) To recommend
Tener (ie) To have
Venir (ie) To come
Cerrar (ie) To close
Comenzar (ie) To begin/start
Empezar (ie) To begin/start
Pensar (ie) To think
Perder (ie) To lose/miss
Preferir (ie) To prefer
Querer (ie) To want
Recomendar (ie) To recommend
Tener (ie) To have
Venir (ie) To come
The aquarium El acuario
The dance El baile
The library La biblioteca
The wedding La boda
The country/camp El campo
The house La casa
The mall El centro comercial
The movie theater El cine
The circus El circo
The concert El concierto
The post office El correo/los correos
The station La estación
The stadium El estadio
The party La fiesta
The surprise party La fiesta de sorpresa
The gym El gimnasio
The church La iglesia
The lake El lago
The museum El museo
The park El parque
The amusement park El parque de diversiones
The (sports) game El partido
The pool La piscina/alberca
The beach La playa
The restaurant El restaurante
The teater El teatro
The zoo El zoológico