By Michele Deceuster
Where would you choose to live?
This is a Rural Community In a rural community the houses are usually far apart. There is a lot of land and it is far from the city. The population is low. There are not many big stores around. It is peaceful and quiet. It can also be described as living in the country.
This is a Suburban Community In a suburban community there are a lot of homes. Neighbors live close by. There are plenty of stores for all of your needs. The population is in the middle. It is close to a big city.
This is an Urban Community In an urban community there are many buildings. Some people call it living in the city. Urban communities have high populations and are often crowded. There are not as many houses in an urban community, people usually live in apartment buildings or condos. It can be very noisy!
Homes in a rural community
Homes in a suburban community
Homes in an urban community
Common jobs in a rural community Farmers Miners Store clerks
Common jobs in a suburban community Store owner Waiter/Waitress Cashier Doctor Dentist School Teacher
Common jobs in an urban community CEO’s Businessmen/women Bankers Lawyers Restaurant Owners Artists Models Actors/Actresses
Animals in a rural community Horses Cows Pigs Chickens Sheep Goats
Animals in a suburban community Dogs Cats Rabbits Fish Hampsters
Animals in an urban community Small Dogs Fish Cats
Transportation in a rural community
Transportation in a suburban community
Transportation in an urban community Subways Taxis Sports Cars
Would you most like to live in a Rural, Suburban, or Urban community? Why?